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The Cleopatra Cipher: An Archaeological Thriller (Adrian West Adventures Book 1)

par L D Goffigan

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Former FBI profiler turned professor Adrian West is in Rome for academic conference when she learns that her friend and colleague, Doctor Sebastian Rossi, has been abducted. Her former partner, Nick Harper, believes that his disappearance is linked to stolen artifacts related to one of the most famous queens in history-Cleopatra. When another of his colleagues is found murdered, and Adrian framed for the crime, it's a race against time from the streets of Rome and Cairo to the ancient temples of Egypt. Adrian must prove her innocence, find Sebastian before it's too late, and stop a shadowy secret society from using the secrets of an ancient queen to cause the loss of countless lives... --… (plus d'informations)

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The Cleopatra Cipher is book number 1 in the Adrian West Thriller series by L. D. Goffigan. It is an archeological thriller/treasure hunt mystery set in Rome and Egypt. The next book in the series, The Excalibur Deception, will be published in July 2022.

I LOVED this book! From the first pages I was captivated by this story. Cleopatra's burial place and her treasures are sought by two opposing groups. One is from academia and the other is from a crime syndicate called the Daughters of Cleopatra. Both groups are present at a Languages and Antiquity Conference in Rome. Sebastian Rossi has given a lecture on the various languages of Ptolemac Egypt. While always a popular lecture, the recent finding of Cleopatra's treasures one week prior to the conference made his lecture a must to hear. Sebastian's friend Adrian West is also in attendance at the conference and soon after Sebastian's lecture has ended, she receives a call from her former FBI partner Nick Harper. Nick tells her that Sebastian has been abducted. The hunt is on to not only locate him but to find out why he was abducted.

The writing was tight and suspenseful and the characters were fully developed. The protagonist of the series is Adrian West. She is a great character but I believe that without Sebastian as a counterpart, I am not sure how well she can carry the series. I definitely liked Sebastian better. I was not able to tell if he will be an ongoing character in the series. Nonetheless, we will find out in 2 months when the second book in the series is published.

I preferred the Rome setting. Fortunately the setting didn't move to Egypt until the midway point in the story. We read more about the Italian landscape and food than the same in Egypt. The Egyptian part of the plot centered on action more than setting description.

This is a hugely entertaining novel! 5 out of 5 stars. ( )
  Violette62 | May 21, 2022 |
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Former FBI profiler turned professor Adrian West is in Rome for academic conference when she learns that her friend and colleague, Doctor Sebastian Rossi, has been abducted. Her former partner, Nick Harper, believes that his disappearance is linked to stolen artifacts related to one of the most famous queens in history-Cleopatra. When another of his colleagues is found murdered, and Adrian framed for the crime, it's a race against time from the streets of Rome and Cairo to the ancient temples of Egypt. Adrian must prove her innocence, find Sebastian before it's too late, and stop a shadowy secret society from using the secrets of an ancient queen to cause the loss of countless lives... --

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