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par Lauren Asher

Séries: Dirty Air (3)

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Jax Pills. Alcohol. Adrenaline. I'm addicted to destructive decisions that numb my pain. Until one night when I make a catastrophic mistake. To repair my broken reputation, my team hires Elena-An overpaid babysitter set on ruining my plans. She's my damnation disguised as my salvation. And my newest addiction. Elena I begged the universe to save me from my financial disaster. It answered my call with a Formula 1 team desperate for a PR miracle. One season. One job. One broody British racer. Except that Jax turns our hotel room into a battleground. To beat the enemy, I need to find his weaknesses. What I learn threatens to ruin everything. Him. Me. Us. Love is a warzone, and neither one of us plans to surrender. Contains mature themes.… (plus d'informations)

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🖤 Formula 1 driver with high levels of anxiety and a family history of terminal / chronic illness (Drives for a fictional team that is Mercedes-esque)
🖤 FMC is the PR rep assigned to keep him in line
🖤 Dual POV
🖤 Enemies to Lovers
🖤 Forced Proximity
🖤 A very long road to self acceptance and recovery

Some important TWs: (See the full list by the author on her website)
~ Mental health rep - Anxiety, therapy, medication use (and abuse)
~ Childhood trauma - witnessing a murder, long term psychological effects / night terrors
~ Chronic & terminal illness rep

So book 3 in this series took a TURN into the more serious from the first two books in the series. Where the first two books had some plot details that included some serious topics like abuse and death of a loved one.... this story went to another level.

**Spoiler alert**

Jax is a haunted individual. He has crippling anxiety and has turned to Xanax and partying too hard to forget about both his anxiety and some of the root causes for it. Not only does he have an extremely high pressure job, his mother has a very serious chronic illness that will inevitably cut her life short. Jax is constantly running away from his fears and anxieties about that... but at some point he can't keep running. After an extremely public and nasty incident including mixing his anxiety meds with far too much alcohol, his team brings in Elena as a personal PR babysitter to help him get back on track for the season.

But Elena has her own demons. She was only a child when her parents were both murdered in her house, and she still has PTSD triggers surrounding that. Not to mention she's the only one left to be a provider and caregiver for her aging grandmother.

The way the author weaves Jax and Elena together is special and powerful, but also at times extremely painful. I went through quite a few tissues as the story unfolded. They have this undeniable connection, which becomes a central and driving force for each of them, but it comes at a cost. In order to truly be together, we have to see Jax battle his demons. Luckily that battle is aided by a therapist and a modified medication regimen, but we still have to go through an absolute roller coaster with him coming to terms not only with his mother's health but also his own potential diagnosis and what that means for his life long term. We see Elena battling to overcome her own demons, all while trying to maintain a career and take care of her family. Every time you think we have reached an equilibrium, a final step towards the happy ending, we are hit with the realities of their situation and it makes this story raw and emotional and yes, it Wrecked me in the best way.

This is not a story with a simple happy ending. But it is an extremely powerful one showcasing the importance of supporting the ones you love and fighting for your future together. It will stick with me for a long time.

"Our story won't be easy, but it's real... While he was fighting his future, I was battling my past. But together, we don't need to fight alone... We are stronger together than we are apart." ( )
  Victinerary | Oct 12, 2023 |

🖤 Formula 1 driver with high levels of anxiety and a family history of terminal / chronic illness (Drives for a fictional team that is Mercedes-esque)
🖤 FMC is the PR rep assigned to keep him in line
🖤 Dual POV
🖤 Enemies to Lovers
🖤 Forced Proximity
🖤 A very long road to self acceptance and recovery

Some important TWs: (See the full list by the author on her website)
~ Mental health rep - Anxiety, therapy, medication use (and abuse)
~ Childhood trauma - witnessing a murder, long term psychological effects / night terrors
~ Chronic & terminal illness rep

So book 3 in this series took a TURN into the more serious from the first two books in the series. Where the first two books had some plot details that included some serious topics like abuse and death of a loved one.... this story went to another level.

**Spoiler alert**

Jax is a haunted individual. He has crippling anxiety and has turned to Xanax and partying too hard to forget about both his anxiety and some of the root causes for it. Not only does he have an extremely high pressure job, his mother has a very serious chronic illness that will inevitably cut her life short. Jax is constantly running away from his fears and anxieties about that... but at some point he can't keep running. After an extremely public and nasty incident including mixing his anxiety meds with far too much alcohol, his team brings in Elena as a personal PR babysitter to help him get back on track for the season.

But Elena has her own demons. She was only a child when her parents were both murdered in her house, and she still has PTSD triggers surrounding that. Not to mention she's the only one left to be a provider and caregiver for her aging grandmother.

The way the author weaves Jax and Elena together is special and powerful, but also at times extremely painful. I went through quite a few tissues as the story unfolded. They have this undeniable connection, which becomes a central and driving force for each of them, but it comes at a cost. In order to truly be together, we have to see Jax battle his demons. Luckily that battle is aided by a therapist and a modified medication regimen, but we still have to go through an absolute roller coaster with him coming to terms not only with his mother's health but also his own potential diagnosis and what that means for his life long term. We see Elena battling to overcome her own demons, all while trying to maintain a career and take care of her family. Every time you think we have reached an equilibrium, a final step towards the happy ending, we are hit with the realities of their situation and it makes this story raw and emotional and yes, it Wrecked me in the best way.

This is not a story with a simple happy ending. But it is an extremely powerful one showcasing the importance of supporting the ones you love and fighting for your future together. It will stick with me for a long time.

"Our story won't be easy, but it's real... While he was fighting his future, I was battling my past. But together, we don't need to fight alone... We are stronger together than we are apart." ( )
  Victinerary | Jul 18, 2023 |
Een plottwist die ik niet aan zag komen. De characters waren mooi beschreven en kon goed met ze mee lezen. Heb bijna gehuild toen ik de plottwist las. Vond het eerste deel van het boek leuker dan het tweede deel. Had meer smut verwacht.
De plottwist zorgde er voor dat het realistischer werd en dat vond ik wel mooi ( )
  DailyvdVorst | Aug 28, 2022 |
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Jax Pills. Alcohol. Adrenaline. I'm addicted to destructive decisions that numb my pain. Until one night when I make a catastrophic mistake. To repair my broken reputation, my team hires Elena-An overpaid babysitter set on ruining my plans. She's my damnation disguised as my salvation. And my newest addiction. Elena I begged the universe to save me from my financial disaster. It answered my call with a Formula 1 team desperate for a PR miracle. One season. One job. One broody British racer. Except that Jax turns our hotel room into a battleground. To beat the enemy, I need to find his weaknesses. What I learn threatens to ruin everything. Him. Me. Us. Love is a warzone, and neither one of us plans to surrender. Contains mature themes.

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