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A Slow Fire Burning (2021)

par Paula Hawkins

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
1,5444412,218 (3.53)39
Fiction. Literature. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:AN INSTANT #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER

The scorching new thriller from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Girl on the Train.

A Slow Fire Burning twists and turns like a great thriller should, but it's also deep, intelligent and intensely human.” – Lee Child

“Only a clairvoyant could anticipate the book’s ending” – New York Times
With the same propulsion that captivated millions of readers worldwide in The Girl on the Train and Into the Water, Paula Hawkins unfurls a gripping, twisting story of deceit, murder, and revenge.

When a young man is found gruesomely murdered in a London houseboat, it triggers questions about three women who knew him. Laura is the troubled one-night-stand last seen in the victim’s home. Carla is his grief-stricken aunt, already mourning the recent death of yet another family member. And Miriam is the nosy neighbor clearly keeping secrets from the police. Three women with separate connections to the victim. Three women who are – for different reasons – simmering with resentment. Who are, whether they know it or not, burning to right the wrongs done to them. When it comes to revenge, even good people might be capable of terrible deeds. How far might any one of them go to find peace? How long can secrets smolder before they explode into flame?
Look what you started..
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» Voir aussi les 39 mentions

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Un jeune homme (Daniel) se fait assassiner sur sa péniche,2 semaines après la mort de sa mère. Sa voisine le découvre mort et on soupçonne différentes personnes c’est sa tante Clara qui l’a tué parce qu’elle pense que c’est lui qui a tué son fils en voyant ses dessins ( )
  JasmineG | Dec 27, 2022 |
Aller retour constant avec le passé, ce qui perturbe le lecteur ( )
  guilmom | Jan 15, 2022 |
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Dit boek is opgedragen aan de nagedachtenis van Liz Hohenadel Scott. Haar uitstraling maakte dat de wereld een warmere plek werd. Ze zal voorgoed worden gemist.
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Doordrenkt van bloed strompelt het meisje de duisternis in.
Hoofdstuk 1

In Laura's hoofd zei Deidre: Het probleem met jou is dat je foute keuzen maakt, Laura.
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'sommingen van ons zijn voorbestemd aaseters te worden.

& sommigen van ons zijn voorbestemd te worden omcirkeld.'

Emily Skaja, 'My History As'
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Fiction. Literature. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:AN INSTANT #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER

The scorching new thriller from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Girl on the Train.

A Slow Fire Burning twists and turns like a great thriller should, but it's also deep, intelligent and intensely human.” – Lee Child

“Only a clairvoyant could anticipate the book’s ending” – New York Times
With the same propulsion that captivated millions of readers worldwide in The Girl on the Train and Into the Water, Paula Hawkins unfurls a gripping, twisting story of deceit, murder, and revenge.

When a young man is found gruesomely murdered in a London houseboat, it triggers questions about three women who knew him. Laura is the troubled one-night-stand last seen in the victim’s home. Carla is his grief-stricken aunt, already mourning the recent death of yet another family member. And Miriam is the nosy neighbor clearly keeping secrets from the police. Three women with separate connections to the victim. Three women who are – for different reasons – simmering with resentment. Who are, whether they know it or not, burning to right the wrongs done to them. When it comes to revenge, even good people might be capable of terrible deeds. How far might any one of them go to find peace? How long can secrets smolder before they explode into flame?
Look what you started..

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Moyenne: (3.53)
1 1
1.5 2
2 15
2.5 7
3 84
3.5 45
4 87
4.5 7
5 23

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