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Shift Happens

par T.M. Baumgartner

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Everyone has an alternate form. Lucky people never shift into it. For everyone else, there's the Magical Probation Department. MPD Officer Angela Jones has spent her entire career helping shifters get back into their human forms and ensuring they can manage their magical powers.Her methods are a little unconventional, but she's built a strong community of people who help each other. A far cry from her coworkers who would rather emulate the tough guy hero of "Shift Enforcers," protecting the world from shifters at any cost and grabbing all the glory along the way. Angela has mostly resigned herself to never being promoted again. But a new source of magic downtown is causing havoc. She can't convince her boss to look into ituntil a fire-breathing dragon appears. Now Angela is being shut out of the case of a lifetime, and the city she protects is in danger of being destroyed.When shift happens, Angela must step upeven if it means risking her own life to safeguard others.… (plus d'informations)

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I enjoyed this urban fantasy by a new-to-me author. There’s an interesting premise of people sometimes becoming shifters, with MC Angela being a “probation officer” who guides them through the process. Unlike many other urban fantasies, shifting is neither hidden nor widely practised: it’s more “acknowledged but not spoken of in polite society.”

Angela was a likeable character, although with a bit of a too good to be true “saint complex.” It’s a refreshing change that she isn’t tortured by internal conflicts and secrets, but perhaps that also made her come across as a bit bland. The other characters were pretty much as described on the tin, with no surprises (no hidden agendas) once we’d met them. The jerks remained so all the way through, as did the friendly, supportive side cast.

The writing was smooth and the read easy. Despite some dangerous challenges (there are deaths, so I wouldn’t call this cosy), the vibe I got was mainly slice-of-life. There was a focus on interpersonal interactions, eg office politics and thinking about other people’s perspectives. The action was depicted with a light touch.

Overall, a very pleasant read.
  MHThaung | May 13, 2024 |
Not all hero's are perfect

This is a great book. The main character is a strong, down to earth and very entertaining. She is a person you can really get attached to. Have read this book many times. Best shifter book I have read that actually has a good story. I hope this author continues this story line in another book.

( )
  jrnedraw | Oct 20, 2023 |
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Everyone has an alternate form. Lucky people never shift into it. For everyone else, there's the Magical Probation Department. MPD Officer Angela Jones has spent her entire career helping shifters get back into their human forms and ensuring they can manage their magical powers.Her methods are a little unconventional, but she's built a strong community of people who help each other. A far cry from her coworkers who would rather emulate the tough guy hero of "Shift Enforcers," protecting the world from shifters at any cost and grabbing all the glory along the way. Angela has mostly resigned herself to never being promoted again. But a new source of magic downtown is causing havoc. She can't convince her boss to look into ituntil a fire-breathing dragon appears. Now Angela is being shut out of the case of a lifetime, and the city she protects is in danger of being destroyed.When shift happens, Angela must step upeven if it means risking her own life to safeguard others.

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