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Riley Thorn and the Dead Guy Next Door

par Lucy Score

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Séries: Riley Thorn (1)

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287795,574 (4.2)2
"A nice, normal life. Is that too much to ask? For Riley Thorn it is. Divorced. Broke. Living with a pack of elderly roommates. And those hallucinations she's diligently ignoring? Her tarot card-dealing mom is convinced they're clairvoyant visions. Just when things can't get worse, a so-hot-it-should-be-illegal private investigator shows up on her doorstep looking for a neighbor...who turns up murdered. Nick Santiago doesn't play well with others. Unless the "others" are of the female persuasion. Wink. He's a rebel, a black sheep, a man who prefers a buffet of options to being stuck with the same entrée every night, if you catch his drift. When the pretty, possibly psychic Riley lands at the top of the list of suspects, Nick volunteers to find out whodunit. Only because he likes solving mysteries not because he wants to flex his heroic muscles for the damsel in distress. All they have to do is figure out who pulled the trigger, keep the by-the-book detective with a grudge at bay, and deal with a stranger claiming he was sent to help Riley hone her psychic gifts. All before the killer discovers she's a loose end that requires snipping"--… (plus d'informations)

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» Voir aussi les 2 mentions

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The Dead Guy Next Door by Lucy Score is the first book in the Riley Thorn series, and it was a blast! If you enjoy Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum series, I’m betting you’ll really like this series too.

There is so much going on in this book, but it’s never too much, and kept me quickly turning the page. The characters really make the story, although the mystery is on point too. And I love that Riley is just beginning to accept her psychic powers… I am a sucker for women coming into their magic/special powers.

The gang of elderly folks that she lives with in a big mansion add so much personality and humor to the book… along with Riley’s family and her love interest, Nick, and his partners at the P.I. firm.

A perfect read when you’re looking for something light and ridiculously amusing. Looking forward to reading the rest of the series, and book four, The Body in the Backyard, comes out July 16th…. So I better get to reading! ( )
  KimHeniadis | Jul 6, 2024 |
• Well written, easy read with interesting characters and great quips. I look forward to reading the others.

• Lucy Score has a way of drawing you in and keeping you wanting more. ( )
  ShayPoolman | May 24, 2024 |
Riley Thorn is living as normal a life as anyone can with an assortment of quirky elderly people living in her building and a desire to ignore her abilities as a psychic. Divorce has left her broke and her job is the definition of boring until private investigator Nick Santiago comes to her apartment looking for her across-the-hall neighbor who turns out to have been murdered. Because Riley had a vision that her neighbor would be killed and tried to tell the police, she becomes the only suspect. However, Nick believes she's innocent and decides to help her with hilarious results.

Riley Thorn and the Dead Guy Next Door is a rollicking good time novel filled with quirky characters, action, adventure, and romance. Even though Nick is a die hard womanizer, he still comes off as sympathetic and Riley is just a bundle of fun. The book introduces many characters and lots of events that have nothing to do with the main mystery, but they are still humorous, each in their own way. The mystery is completely implausible, but still manages to include twists and turns that ramp up the entertainment factor of the plot. Overall, Riley Thorn and the Dead Guy Next Door is just about as much enjoyment as can be packed into one novel. I'm looking forward to reading more in the series. ( )
  ftbooklover | May 17, 2024 |
I received a free copy of this ebook from the publisher (via NetGalley) in exchange for an honest review.

I've loved other works by Lucy Score, so I was all in on trying her new series.

This novel was very much a comedic murder mystery with a little bit of romance sprinkled in. The romance was almost an afterthought, taking a third-row seat to the mystery.

I can't say it was a bad story. The mansion full of elderly mischief makers was lovely, and Riley's family added drama and comedy. I didn't enjoy it quite as much as the Knockemout books simply because murder mysteries aren't really my thing. If you do like romance and murders in the same package, you will probably enjoy this. ( )
  LISandKL | Apr 9, 2024 |
The Dead Guy Next Door is the first in A Riley Thorn paranormal mystery/romance series by Lucy Score and it’s one heck of a lot of fun It is also fast-paced and frequently laugh-out-loud funny with plenty of quirky and likeable characters as well as some downright dastardly villains. Riley and her fake fiance, Nick, make an entertaining couple and what would a mystery/romance be without a lovable dog, in this case Burt who is a very good boy. Overall, a perfect any time read. Oh, and the mystery’s not too shabby either.

Thanks to Netgalley and Sourcebook Bloom Books for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review ( )
  lostinalibrary | Mar 29, 2024 |
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Lucy Scoreauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Duke, NatalieNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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"A nice, normal life. Is that too much to ask? For Riley Thorn it is. Divorced. Broke. Living with a pack of elderly roommates. And those hallucinations she's diligently ignoring? Her tarot card-dealing mom is convinced they're clairvoyant visions. Just when things can't get worse, a so-hot-it-should-be-illegal private investigator shows up on her doorstep looking for a neighbor...who turns up murdered. Nick Santiago doesn't play well with others. Unless the "others" are of the female persuasion. Wink. He's a rebel, a black sheep, a man who prefers a buffet of options to being stuck with the same entrée every night, if you catch his drift. When the pretty, possibly psychic Riley lands at the top of the list of suspects, Nick volunteers to find out whodunit. Only because he likes solving mysteries not because he wants to flex his heroic muscles for the damsel in distress. All they have to do is figure out who pulled the trigger, keep the by-the-book detective with a grudge at bay, and deal with a stranger claiming he was sent to help Riley hone her psychic gifts. All before the killer discovers she's a loose end that requires snipping"--

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