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The Promised Neverland, Volume 15: Welcome to the Entrance

par Kaiu Shirai, Posuka Demizu (Illustrateur)

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1734163,373 (4.38)1
"Life at Grace Field House is good for Emma and her fellow orphans. While the daily studying and exams they have to take are tough, their loving caretaker provides them with delicious food and plenty of playtime. But perhaps not everything is as it seems... As Norman and his group prepare their plan to eradicate all of the demons, Emma searches for her own path that achieves peace without resorting to violence."--Provided by publisher.… (plus d'informations)

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Bem-vindos à Entrada!
Enquanto Norman e o seu grupo planeiam erradicar todos os demónios, Emma procura o seu próprio caminho.
Será ela capaz de criar uma nova promessa que alcance a paz sem recorrer à violência? ( )
  Jonatas.Bakas | Apr 6, 2023 |
Volume 15 is a bit confusing. We learn of Norman’s plan to make his world a world ruled by humans. We also learned that Emma does not agree with this plan. She has a moral duty to find an alternative. So, she and Ray set out to find the seven walls. Technically they found it but now they need to go through the entrance, determine if they can live in the new land, and save everybody before Norman can act on his plan. Things are moving along quite nicely after two very slow books. However, there are some confusing things. Like seeing the doors and the entrance at seven walls because we were not shown that before. We also get to meet the aristocracy of the demons very briefly. Four books left to go, and we’ll see who survives. ( )
  LibrarianRyan | Aug 30, 2022 |
Well that was interesting. ( )
  pacbox | Jul 9, 2022 |
In Volume 15 of The Promised Neverland, Norman meets with demon Lord Geelan to form an “alliance”. Once back to the base, Norman tells Emma and Ray about his plan, but Emma’s not fully on board. We find out more about Mujika and her backstory, who she is exactly. After talking with Norman about not being 100% on board with his plan, Emma decides she’s going to the Seven Walls to see if she can form a new promise. Of course, Ray goes with her. After Ray and Emma enter into the Seven Walls the first step of Norman’s plan begins as Queen Legravalima and the Aristocats begin to send troops out. Upon going through the Seven Gates, Emma and Ray walk into what looks like the Grace Field House, where they experience some trippy and scary stuff.

I tried not to have to hide my reviews due to spoilers but it’s to the point now where something happens in the beginning of the volume that sets off stuff that happens later on... it’s hard to be avoided!

My heart breaks for Norman...

“I’m not wavering. I started everything. I did it with my own hands. All of this is something I have to bear. Emma and Ray are kind. But kindness alone can’t win in this world... I have no regrets. I want to save them... In order to do so... I will gladly become a God or devil...”

But I’m so glad he had Emma and Ray again, they understand him more than I think he understands himself...

“It’s not like he’s throwing his life away or ending it... But he’s killing his heart for us again, bearing everything to finish this.”
“Both Emma and I won’t go alone with that.”

I really hope Norman can come back to this. I’m not expecting the children to be the ones we met at the beginning of all of this. But, I do want them all to be alive and healthy... ( )
  oldandnewbooksmell | Sep 24, 2021 |
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Shirai, KaiuAuteurauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Demizu, PosukaIllustrateurauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
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"Life at Grace Field House is good for Emma and her fellow orphans. While the daily studying and exams they have to take are tough, their loving caretaker provides them with delicious food and plenty of playtime. But perhaps not everything is as it seems... As Norman and his group prepare their plan to eradicate all of the demons, Emma searches for her own path that achieves peace without resorting to violence."--Provided by publisher.

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