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Behind the Lens: My Life in Photos

par David Suchet

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David Suchet has been a stalwart of British stage and screen for fifty years. From Shakespeare to Oscar Wilde, Freud to Poirot, Edward Teller to Doctor Who, Harold Pinter to Terence Rattigan, Questions of Faith to Decline and Fall, right up to 2019's The Price, David has done it all. Throughout this spectacular career, David has never been without a camera, enabling him to vividly document his life in photographs. Seamlessly combining photo and memoir, Behind the Lens is the story of David's remarkable life, showcasing his wonderfully evocative photographs and accompanied by his insightful and engaging commentary.… (plus d'informations)

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I'm a fan of Mr Suchet - not only Poirot but fortunate enough to see him in "The Last Confession" on stage some years ago and it was spell binding - both he and the cast managed to make you forget you were watching a play and not actually watching real life unfolding. Incredible. I did also see him in something else much later playing an Irish American and that was pretty awful, so I guess that shows I am not going to like everything he's done...!

Enjoyed his Poirot and Me book and was looking forward to reading this. It is perhaps a typical actor's autobiog in some respects - early life, "how I got started", anecdotes, "what I think about..." etc but split into subject chapters rather than being a chronological full autobiography. Instead it is also illustrated with copious photos throughout - DS is quite the photographer and the stated aim of the book is that the reader will perhaps learn as much of him from the photos as from the text.

Well the text is an interesting enough light read, without being in any way controversial. And the photos are fine but not too many struck me as particularly meaningful. Some are in colour, most are B/W, even if they don't really benefit from being B/W. Not many struck me as "wow, what a great photo" but then that's not why he was including them, I suspect.

All in all, a pleasant read but not a book I would return to - unlike "Poirot and Me", which I do find myself returning to. ( )
  Flip_Martian | Mar 5, 2024 |
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David Suchet has been a stalwart of British stage and screen for fifty years. From Shakespeare to Oscar Wilde, Freud to Poirot, Edward Teller to Doctor Who, Harold Pinter to Terence Rattigan, Questions of Faith to Decline and Fall, right up to 2019's The Price, David has done it all. Throughout this spectacular career, David has never been without a camera, enabling him to vividly document his life in photographs. Seamlessly combining photo and memoir, Behind the Lens is the story of David's remarkable life, showcasing his wonderfully evocative photographs and accompanied by his insightful and engaging commentary.

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