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Space Struck

par Paige Lewis

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1283220,879 (3.89)10
Fiction. Poetry. LGBTQIA+ (Fiction.) HTML:This astonishing, self-assured debut leads us on an exploration to the stars and back, begging us to reconsider our boundaries of self, time, space, and knowledge. The speaker writes, "...the universe/is an arrow/without end/and it asks only one question;/How dare you?"
Zig-zagging through the realms of nature, science, and religion, one finds St. Francis sighing in the corner of a studio apartment, tides that are caused by millions of oysters "gasping in unison," an ark filled with women in its stables, and prayers that reach God fastest by balloon. There's pathos: "When my new lover tells me I'm correct to love him, I/realize the sound isn't metal at all. It's not the coins rattling/ on concrete, but the fingers scraping to pick them up." And humor, too: "...even the sun's been sighing Not you again/when it sees me." After reading this far-reaching, inventive collection, we too are startled, space struck, our pockets gloriously "filled with space dust.".
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» Voir aussi les 10 mentions

3 sur 3
Delight after wonder after delight. God, I love these poems, this poet. ( )
  liannecollins | Jun 10, 2022 |
I give it 3.5 stars.

I am reading this collection of poems as part of a bookclub. And some of the discussions about it have been very interesting. Without the discussion with others, I don't think I would have been able to grasp a lot of what Lewis wrote.

However, there is some great imagery in many of the poems. The references to real things that have happened in the world are really interesting. I never before would have thought I'd learn about factual things in poetry.

I also liked how, through the discussions, it seemed as if Lewis had many themes running throughout many of the poems, despite them not seeming to be directly related.

Even though I didn't give it a high star rating, it does have me interested in trying to read more poetry in the future. ( )
  Sara_Cat | Mar 6, 2021 |
Being poetry this was quite the speedy read. Probably need to re-read them but there are some excellent words. Would definitely re-read. ( )
  drwilko | Nov 17, 2020 |
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Fiction. Poetry. LGBTQIA+ (Fiction.) HTML:This astonishing, self-assured debut leads us on an exploration to the stars and back, begging us to reconsider our boundaries of self, time, space, and knowledge. The speaker writes, "...the universe/is an arrow/without end/and it asks only one question;/How dare you?"
Zig-zagging through the realms of nature, science, and religion, one finds St. Francis sighing in the corner of a studio apartment, tides that are caused by millions of oysters "gasping in unison," an ark filled with women in its stables, and prayers that reach God fastest by balloon. There's pathos: "When my new lover tells me I'm correct to love him, I/realize the sound isn't metal at all. It's not the coins rattling/ on concrete, but the fingers scraping to pick them up." And humor, too: "...even the sun's been sighing Not you again/when it sees me." After reading this far-reaching, inventive collection, we too are startled, space struck, our pockets gloriously "filled with space dust.".

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