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Jason Blackthorne wants to make films. As head of Blackthorne Entertainment, he's finally getting his break--a gritty cop drama filmed near the family compound. He has a lot riding on the success of the series, both with family and the industry. He doesn't have time to notice how pretty or talented his assistant is. He just needs her to jump when he says jump.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parMaryMeg, mml85821, ddeluna1, nmgski

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The second book in the Seven Brides for Seven Blackthornes focuses on the middle cousin Jason. Instead of joining the family business, Jason has gone into the entertainment indusctry and has become a show runner for a Netflix series.
Jason is smart but disorganized. He relies on his assistant Mallory to keep all the balls in the air. Mallory is a great assistant but she wan't to be a director. While working together on site in Maine, Jason comes to know more about Mallory and they give in to the magnetic pull that is between them.
They struggle with a sexual harrassment issue with the show's star, an uniterested director and the fact that Jason is Mallory's boss.
Both characters are smart and funny and just like a good TV series you want to see the 2 characters get together in the end. ( )
  ddeluna1 | Mar 19, 2020 |
I received an ARC of this book to read in exchange for a fair review. Jason by Julia London is the second book in the multi-author series 7 Brides for 7 Blackthornes. This is the 3rd such series the authors have done and they are very enjoyable reads. The books are what I would describe as novella length and one will be released each week with the first one on August 1, 2019 and this one on August 8, 2019 with the other 5 following weekly. Jason is the story of Jason Blackthorne the middle child who devastated by the deaths of his parents turned to movies as a way of coping with his grief. He feels a good deal of pressure to succeed as a film maker and to prove himself to his family. Mallory Price is Jasons assistant she was an unsuccessful actress and now makes short films for competitions hoping to become a director and filmmaker in her own right, her mad organizational skills are keeping Jason on track and neither of them will allow that pesky attraction they feel to keep their relationship anything less than perfectly professional until all hell breaks loose with the show they are producing for Netflix. Julia London never writes these two as anything less than equals and I very much enjoyed this book and look forward to the rest of the series. #JuliaLondon #JasonBlackthorne #7Brides #BlackthornBrothers #HollywoodRomanceNovel #7bridesfor7blackthornes #Bookstagram ( )
  nmgski | Aug 6, 2019 |
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Jason Blackthorne wants to make films. As head of Blackthorne Entertainment, he's finally getting his break--a gritty cop drama filmed near the family compound. He has a lot riding on the success of the series, both with family and the industry. He doesn't have time to notice how pretty or talented his assistant is. He just needs her to jump when he says jump.

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