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The Bad Guys in The Big Bad Wolf

par Aaron Blabey

Séries: The Bad Guys (9)

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812228,269 (4.31)2
Quand M. Loup est transforme? en un ge?ant de la taille de Godzilla, les me?chants se retrouvent dans un sacre? pe?trin! Dans ce nouveau volet, les lecteurs plongent dans le passe? de M. Loup et rencontrent son pe?re, l'infa?me Grand me?chant loup.

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» Voir aussi les 2 mentions

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{My thoughts} – Mr. Wolf ends up turning into The Big Bad Wolf. It is up to his friends to figure out who is going to try and talk him down and who is going to fight against the aliens.

I found this book to be very slow reading unlike the previous ones in the series. I really have been enjoying this series, however, there wasn’t really a lot of laugh out loud moments in this book. Not like it has been with the previous in the series. I feel that the author was trying to hard to set the tone for the next book and it took away from this book in a sense.

I do like how this book is put together. I am just not a big fan of the way in which it’s story was executed. I do hope that the next book in the series helps to make up for the flaws within the pages of this one.

The illustrations and the text are spot on and go together hand and hand. I look forward to reading more books in this series in the future.

Final Conclusion: 4 Star Rating. ( )
  Zapkode | Jun 1, 2024 |
Bad Guys book 9: The Big Bad Wolf

Wolf has turned BIG and BAD. The League of Heroes decided to continue with Operation Tarantula. The aliens and heroes battle it out but finally Dr Marmalade takes away their powers. FOR GOOD. Dr Marmalade has made a machine that can turn Mr. Wolf into a giant monster. Mr. Wolf starts destroying the city under Dr Marmalade’s control.

I really like this book because it's really funny and also relaxing. I also like the way that it is a very creative book. It is a really good book and it also connects to all the other books. I rate this book a 7/10 and I recommend this book to 8 year olds (read the other 8 books first).

7/10 (firelion, 12 years old) ( )
  firelion | Aug 8, 2021 |
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Quand M. Loup est transforme? en un ge?ant de la taille de Godzilla, les me?chants se retrouvent dans un sacre? pe?trin! Dans ce nouveau volet, les lecteurs plongent dans le passe? de M. Loup et rencontrent son pe?re, l'infa?me Grand me?chant loup.

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