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Surreal Estate

par Jesi Lea Ryan

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281863,277 (3.93)Aucun
Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. HTML:

Sasha Michaels is a psychic with an affinity for houses. And he's homeless. Go figure. After months of sleeping rough, he stumbles upon an abandoned house, and the lonely place beckons him inside. He's finally safe...until someone comes blundering in to his hideaway.

House-flipper Nick Cooper lost everything in the recession. Desperate to revive his business, he turns to a loan shark to fund his comeback project: flipping an abandoned house full of potential. But it turns out the house has an unexpected occupant.

Nick and Sasha make a deal: Sasha can stay in exchange for helping with the renovation. To both of their surprise, the closer they get to the loan shark's due date, the stronger their feelings for each other grow. Problem is, Nick isn't the only one with feelings for Sasha, and now the house doesn't want to let Sasha go.

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This is a slow burn m|m romance with a paranormal twist - but not the vampire or werewolf kind. If you've not tried anything with a little supernatural or paranormal action this is a good place to start because it's an interesting take on the paranormal but it's not so far out there that it takes you out of the story. It's also not scary for those that might be a concern for. There's a clear focus on developing a relationship between the two main characters (Nick and Sasha), they have the fact they're both going through a tough time financially in common. Some not great choices are made (loan sharks, probably not the best source for financing) and there's a little tension there but that also allows for personal growth. The book has alternating POV but it works because you get to know what's happening with each character and for the most part that works. It doesn't lend itself to as much interaction as there could be but I think that works ok for this book. The paranormal twist is that Sam can "read" the energy of a house. I liked that houses change if they've been neglected and that they have preferences on who they'd like to live in them.

I didn't like that Sam smoked. It's not a regular thing and tends to be a reaction to stress but smoking is a huge turnoff for me so I really noticed it.

The book could be the set up for a series because it leaves some room for growth in Nick and Sam's relationship but it's just fine as a standalone. I would definitely read another book by this author!

I was given an advanced reading copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. ( )
  jpmcwisemorgan | Feb 21, 2019 |
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Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. HTML:

Sasha Michaels is a psychic with an affinity for houses. And he's homeless. Go figure. After months of sleeping rough, he stumbles upon an abandoned house, and the lonely place beckons him inside. He's finally safe...until someone comes blundering in to his hideaway.

House-flipper Nick Cooper lost everything in the recession. Desperate to revive his business, he turns to a loan shark to fund his comeback project: flipping an abandoned house full of potential. But it turns out the house has an unexpected occupant.

Nick and Sasha make a deal: Sasha can stay in exchange for helping with the renovation. To both of their surprise, the closer they get to the loan shark's due date, the stronger their feelings for each other grow. Problem is, Nick isn't the only one with feelings for Sasha, and now the house doesn't want to let Sasha go.


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