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Aunt Pearl

par Monica Kulling

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352717,929 (3.17)Aucun
"Aunt Pearl arrives one day pushing a shopping cart full of her worldly goods. Her sister Rose has invited her to come live with her family. Six-year-old Marta is happy to meet her aunt, who takes her out to look for treasure on garbage day, and who shows her camp group how to decorate a coffee table with bottle caps. But almost immediately, Pearl and Rose start to clash--over Pearl's belongings crammed into the house, and over Rose's household rules. As the weeks pass, Pearl grows quieter and more withdrawn, until, one morning, she is gone. Acclaimed author Monica Kulling brings sensitivity to this story about homelessness, family and love, beautifully illustrated in Irene Luxbacher's rich collage style."--… (plus d'informations)

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Note: I accessed a digital review copy of this book through Edelweiss.
  fernandie | Sep 15, 2022 |
Such a tough read. Aunt Pearl is about a lady who is homeless and goes to live with her sister and her two kids. Marta, one of the children, is fascinated by Aunt Pearl and wants to do everything with her. The author and illustrator did a great job depicting what is going on with a person who is struggling with homelessness. They show Aunt Pearl with the shopping cart of belongings, her clothes that are filthy and messy, and she was going through trash cans in their neighborhoods. It really opens the eyes of young children and discusses a harsh topic of reality that many people face. It allows the reader to feel empathy for Aunt Pearl and also see the innocence of young Martha. Pearl and Marta’s mother are constantly butting heads due to Pearls messiness until eventually Pearl keeps getting quieter and quieter and eventually is gone. Very empathetic read. ( )
  aengolia | Mar 4, 2020 |
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"Aunt Pearl arrives one day pushing a shopping cart full of her worldly goods. Her sister Rose has invited her to come live with her family. Six-year-old Marta is happy to meet her aunt, who takes her out to look for treasure on garbage day, and who shows her camp group how to decorate a coffee table with bottle caps. But almost immediately, Pearl and Rose start to clash--over Pearl's belongings crammed into the house, and over Rose's household rules. As the weeks pass, Pearl grows quieter and more withdrawn, until, one morning, she is gone. Acclaimed author Monica Kulling brings sensitivity to this story about homelessness, family and love, beautifully illustrated in Irene Luxbacher's rich collage style."--

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