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Clarissa's Warning

par Isobel Blackthorn

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Bank teller Claire Bennett's life changes when she wins the lottery, and buys an ancient fixer-upper on the idyllic island of Fuerteventura. After moving to the island's sleepy inland village, Claire is confronted with a dark mystery. Her new home, known to the locals as the Casa Baraso, is shrouded in otherworldly superstition. Her mystic aunt Clarissa has warned her of danger, but Claire pays no heed. Can she uncover the secret of Casa Baraso?… (plus d'informations)

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renovation, ghosts, paranormal, mystery *****

The perfect read for a lazy summer afternoon. The pace of the novel and the narration is slow with an even flow. No startling melodrama despite the renovation being unpopular with the local residents and the past residents of the building. Beautiful descriptions of the island, detailed and expressive imagery for everything and everyone. I really enjoyed it!
This was my chance to visit the islands where the Norwegian cousins spent many a holiday.
Virginia Ferguson is very well suited as narrator with her pleasant voice and clear delivery.
I won this audiobook in a giveaway! I really win! ( )
  jetangen4571 | Aug 17, 2019 |
Claire Bennett wins a lottery jackpot, and buys a decaying ruin on the island of Fuerteventura in the Canary Islands, where she has been spending her vacations for years. It's her dream, but her Aunt Clarissa,a psychic, warns that her chart projects difficulties, loneliness and isolation, and possible dangers, if she does move to Fuerteventura. Claire is not a believer in the spirit world, and now that she is wealthy, rather than a Colchester bank teller, she's determined to live her dream. Off she goes to Fuerteventura, where she rents an apartment, hires a builder, and sets to work restoring her new home.

The former owner had intended to demolish it. The builder suggests that they use the stones to build a new, modern house. Locals believe the house, called Casa Basaro, is haunted. She meets a local photographer, Paco, who loves the building too, and tells her the story of another Englishwoman, 19th century travel writer Olivia Stone. But Paco, too, interested as he is in the project, also says it's haunted, and urges her to be careful.

The stories don't alarm her. She doesn't take her Aunt Clarissa's warning seriously. When the builder, Mario, has to hire non-local men to do the work, that's just local superstition. When small rock she took from one of the damaged walls back to her apartment moves around in her apartment, she is sure she, somehow, has an intruder.

Even though, really, that doesn't make sense.

Claire is a determinedly rational woman, dealing with a situation that isn't responding to her rational approach. Strange accidents happen at the site, and when she starts sleeping there, the doors to her finished rooms, bolted from inside, nevertheless open, and furniture gets moved around. When power is connected, she experiences moments of extreme cold, and the power going on and off. Outside, strange, floating lights follow her.

Paco and the owner of the nearby cafe, Gloria, have very different stories about the history of the house.

And while Claire stays there, long-buried memories of seeing her mother die in a bus crash, when Claire was just seven, come back to her.

It's an intriguing and emotional story, and drew me in after some initial resistance. Recommended.

I received a free electronic galley of this book from the publisher, and am reviewing it voluntarily. ( )
  LisCarey | Mar 22, 2019 |
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Bank teller Claire Bennett's life changes when she wins the lottery, and buys an ancient fixer-upper on the idyllic island of Fuerteventura. After moving to the island's sleepy inland village, Claire is confronted with a dark mystery. Her new home, known to the locals as the Casa Baraso, is shrouded in otherworldly superstition. Her mystic aunt Clarissa has warned her of danger, but Claire pays no heed. Can she uncover the secret of Casa Baraso?

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Isobel Blackthorn est un auteur LibraryThing, c'est-à-dire un auteur qui catalogue sa bibliothèque personnelle sur LibraryThing.

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