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Secrets Never Die

par Melinda Leigh

Séries: Morgan Dane (5)

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957294,731 (3.82)12
When a retired sheriff's deputy is shot to death in his home, his troubled teenage stepson, Evan, becomes the prime suspect. Even more incriminating, the boy disappeared from the scene of the crime. Desperate to find her son, Evan's mother begs PI Lance Kruger for help. She knows her son is innocent. Kruger and defense attorney Morgan Dane want to believe that too, but the evidence against the boy is damning. Just as the trail goes cold, another deputy vanishes. His shocking connection to Evan's stepfather throws the investigation into chaos as Lance and Morgan fear the worst...that Evan is the killer's new target. With so many secrets to unravel, will Lance and Morgan find him before it's too late?… (plus d'informations)

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Secrets Never Die
3 Stars

Unfortunately, this installment in the Morgan Dane series does not live up to expectations.

To begin with, now that Morgan and her investigator partner, Lance Kruger, have a well-established relationship, the romantic elements have taken a back seat. There is an attempt to resurrect them with Lincoln Sharp and Olivia Cruz, but there is very little development of their obvious chemistry.

In terms of the plot, the investigation into the death of Paul Knox is compelling as there are several motives and red-herrings to keep the reader guessing. That said, there are obvious problems with the pacing and the plotting.

The excessive descriptions of Evan's experiences while on the run slow the pacing significantly as does the focus on unnecessary side stories that are ultimately irrelevant to the story and go nowhere Jake and Duncan/Trevor and Rylee. Moreover, there are a number of glaring plot holes that detract from the mystery - Brian Springer's version of events doesn't make sense, and the idea that Aaron Martin wouldn't have killed Lance in the barn is ridiculous. In addition, Leigh fails to follow through on an excellent piece of foreshadowing at the beginning that would have resolved these issues- the killer was wearing a badge, so why is the killer Aaron Martin and not Brian Springer?. It is almost as if they author changed her mind halfway through writing the book.

Overall, not a prime example of Leigh's writing and it seems that she has run out of steam with this series. ( )
  Lauren2013 | May 5, 2023 |
Morgan Dane and Lance Kruger handle the case of a murdered retired deputy and the accusation of his son. Morgan and Lance feel that he is innocent and set out to prove this, uncovering some disturbing facts at the same time. I enjoyed the story, and it kept me on the edge of my seat, but the constant injuries and near-death experiences in every one of these books is getting old and almost unbelievable. I hope they both retire to quieter lives in the next book! ( )
  hobbitprincess | Apr 10, 2023 |
In Secrets Never Die, Morgan & Lance investigate the murder of a retired dectective and the disappearance of his step-son Evan. With help from Lance's friend and boss, Sharp, and Lance's mom, and Morgan's family support system, the couple gathers information the local police department doesn't want to share.

Sheriff Colgate, short-staffed and in over his head has already made up his mind to charge Evan with the murder; not having all the facts doesn't bother him as long as he can close the case quickly.

Morgan represents Evan's mother Tina but before long learns that Tina has been withholding a frightening family back story. The sheriff now believes Tina may have been involved in her husband's killing.

Sharp is attracted to Olivia, a journalist and a fount of information. Morgan and Lance get closer as Lance learns the highs and lows of parenting with love and patience. All while having Morgan's granddad's house expanded and renovated.

Fast-paced, exciting page turner filled with very bad guys, but much more good, sweet and caring people.

Good read.
  Bookish59 | Apr 7, 2023 |
Morgan Dane is a defense attorney. She works along with Lance Kruger who is a P.I. The two are newly engaged and were once in a relationship when they were in high school. When a teen boy is the primary suspect in the murder of a sheriff's deputy, Morgan and Lance investigate the death and try to prove the boy's innocence.

Morgan and Lance are finally settling into domestic life, and have just dealt with the difficult scenario of Morgan's three little girls dealing with the flu. Just as things settle down and they could possibly get a good night's sleep, they receive a phone call that throws them into a complicated case.

When they discover the shooting of the deputy and the fact that the stepson is missing, Lance is eager to help. He coaches Evan in hockey and is positive Evan couldn't be the killer. But Evan has disappeared and Lance and Morgan desperately try to discover his whereabouts.

Secrets Never Die is the fifth book in the Morgan Dane series. I haven't had the opportunity to read the previous novels, and I think this did great as a standalone. While the couple struggle to locate Evan, he is on the run for his life. There are a lot of clues, and sadly, a few point to his guilt. But, again, Lance knows Evan couldn't have been capable of such a brutal crime.

What a thrilling story! Much like a chase, from beginning to end. The thing is, the reader knows from the very outset that Evan isn't the killer. Now Morgan and Lance have to find him, and also discover the true killer. I found this story by Melinda Leigh to be captivating from the very first page and the tension, drama and danger never let up. I will most definitely continue the series. The next book is Save Your Breath, scheduled for release this September.

Many thanks to Montlake Romance and to NetGalley for this ARC to review in exchange for my honest opinion. ( )
  RobinLovesReading | Oct 25, 2019 |
This I’d the first book I’ve read by this author and I liked it. It is the fifth book in this series but it works perfectly as a stand alone.. The plot was intriguing and the characters were well developed. The story begins when a teen, Evan, witnessies his step-father’s murder and goes missing. The cops are focusing on Evan as the murderer. Morgan, Lance and Sharp, a team of private investigators, are hired to find him and help prove his innocence. They must find him before the cops or the murderer does. It’s a gripping tale and is suspenseful from beginning to end. After reading this, I’m interested in reading more by this author. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for giving me an ARC in exchange for a fair and honest review. All opinions expressed are my own. ( )
  bm2ng | Apr 9, 2019 |
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When a retired sheriff's deputy is shot to death in his home, his troubled teenage stepson, Evan, becomes the prime suspect. Even more incriminating, the boy disappeared from the scene of the crime. Desperate to find her son, Evan's mother begs PI Lance Kruger for help. She knows her son is innocent. Kruger and defense attorney Morgan Dane want to believe that too, but the evidence against the boy is damning. Just as the trail goes cold, another deputy vanishes. His shocking connection to Evan's stepfather throws the investigation into chaos as Lance and Morgan fear the worst...that Evan is the killer's new target. With so many secrets to unravel, will Lance and Morgan find him before it's too late?

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