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When the Enemy Strikes: The Keys to Winning Your Spiritual Battles

par Charles F. Stanley

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Your enemy is strong. The battle is real. Prepare for victory. Fear, discouragement, loneliness, anger, temptation. These struggles are common to every human. Yet not all circumstances or negative emotions originate within. They could be the result of a willful, coordinated assault of Satan. In When the Enemy Strikes, best-selling author Dr. Charles Stanley explores the often-overlooked reality of spiritual warfare'the tactics used by Satan to taunt, confuse, slander, and harm. Your adversary wants to crush your will, delay your promise, hinder your destiny, destroy your relationships, and lead you into sin. Dr. Stanley reveals how you should respond. The most important component of warfare, says Dr. Stanley, is the supremacy of God'both His sovereignty and His power. Practically, this means the battles you face are ultimately allowed by God to bring you to a place of greater reliance on Him. His strength crushes the enemy. This is a world of conflict between good and evil, of powers beyond the merely human. The battle is unavoidable, but take heart! God has given you the strength to stand.… (plus d'informations)

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  WBCLIB | Feb 19, 2023 |
  WBCLIB | Feb 19, 2023 |
Thise is theaccompanying workbook to give the reader lessons to internalize through self examination. ( )
  drj | Jan 26, 2013 |
Dr. Stanley offers the reader many practical applications of Bible principles to help one through hard times, especially when other people or evil itself seem to be after you personally. There is an accompanying workbook to give the reader lessons to internalize through self examination. ( )
  drj | Jan 26, 2013 |
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Your enemy is strong. The battle is real. Prepare for victory. Fear, discouragement, loneliness, anger, temptation. These struggles are common to every human. Yet not all circumstances or negative emotions originate within. They could be the result of a willful, coordinated assault of Satan. In When the Enemy Strikes, best-selling author Dr. Charles Stanley explores the often-overlooked reality of spiritual warfare'the tactics used by Satan to taunt, confuse, slander, and harm. Your adversary wants to crush your will, delay your promise, hinder your destiny, destroy your relationships, and lead you into sin. Dr. Stanley reveals how you should respond. The most important component of warfare, says Dr. Stanley, is the supremacy of God'both His sovereignty and His power. Practically, this means the battles you face are ultimately allowed by God to bring you to a place of greater reliance on Him. His strength crushes the enemy. This is a world of conflict between good and evil, of powers beyond the merely human. The battle is unavoidable, but take heart! God has given you the strength to stand.

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