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par W Winters

Séries: Merciless (3)

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From USA Today best-selling author W Winters comes an emotionally captivating and thrilling, romantic suspense audiobook. Her lips tasted like Cabernet and her touch was like fire. I was blinded by what she did to me. I so easily fell for something I thought I'd never have. I was weak for her and should've known better. I should've known she could never love a man like me. She brought out a side of me that I wish had stayed dead. I won't make the same mistake twice. I don't care how much she begs me. I don't care that I crave her more than anything else.… (plus d'informations)

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The third book in this series. War is here, but Aria wants Carter to spare her family, something he tells her he cannot do. He knows she loves him right now, but will she when this is over? He knows he loves her, but she doesn't think he does. Still compelling. I have to buy book 4. ( )
  SuzieEN | May 2, 2022 |
** spoiler alert ** I have to say that I am beginning to love this series. It's not something I'd read but I'm falling in love.

Carter has finally accepted his love for Aria, where Aria has accepted hers for him. Carter knows Aria loves him but knows she'll hate him, where Aria doesn't believe that Carter loves her. I'm literally screaming at the woman trying to convince her that he does love her.

This book makes it hard to put it down, even if you do put it down as soon as you are able to you're picking it back up again as soon as you're ready to do so.

I'm falling involve with the series more and more. With the back stories and how the main characters walls are slowly breaking in front of the other.

The only thing I dont like is the fact that Aria isnt allowing herself to feel Carters feelings, even though he is a brutal man and all. And I dont like the cliffhanger especially when I have to wait to get home to read the next book.

I love how it has continued from Heartless straight away and I love how Winters has kept the plot line strong and boldness. It makes it all the more lovable.

4 stars ( )
  BethanyJaneBook | Jul 13, 2020 |
Find this review and others at Carlene Inspired.

4.5 Stars

The war continues with Breathless, book three in the Merciless series, and easily the most action-packed one yet. I could not put it down, desperate to see how the territory battled worked out and even more eager to discover if Aria and Carter could find a way. Of course, Willow Winters leaves us guessing again and we're left hoping, hoping for life, for love, for the battle to end.

"In her strength, she's at her most beautiful."

Breathless picks up right where Heartless ends, Aria making a choice, a choice that changes the course of everything. Aria and Carter have so much love, but hate still simmers in each of them and that hatred drives the battle forward. Each was so conflicted and I really think we saw more of Carter than we had in either of the previous two novels. He fights against what his heart and head want, revealing parts of him are still that young boy trying to guide his brothers and parts of him are cracked and hardened beyond repair. Aria, on the other hand, reveals her strength in this novel, and the two engage in a battle of desire. Each wants one another, but the future of the Cross Brothers' and the land they rule puts their relationship at stake. It's a matter of life and death, love and hate, and when the bullets fianlly stop there is no assurance that Aria and Carter will make it to the other side together.

"It's all going ot crumble. All because of her. I would have done anything for her."

The Merciless series has been impossible to put down, Willow Winters has written books that require you to binge read, gathering every bit of information and emotion you can from the pages. They're filled with action, bloodshed, and sexy smut that makes you forget there's a battle being waged. I think I loved Breathless the most though, and now I'm stuck waiting desperately for Endless. ( )
  CarleneInspired | Jun 14, 2019 |
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From USA Today best-selling author W Winters comes an emotionally captivating and thrilling, romantic suspense audiobook. Her lips tasted like Cabernet and her touch was like fire. I was blinded by what she did to me. I so easily fell for something I thought I'd never have. I was weak for her and should've known better. I should've known she could never love a man like me. She brought out a side of me that I wish had stayed dead. I won't make the same mistake twice. I don't care how much she begs me. I don't care that I crave her more than anything else.

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