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Brussels Art Nouveau: Walks in the Center

par Brussels Art Nouveau

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(Re)discover Art Nouveau at the heart of Brussels. At the end of the 19th century, the anti-academic movement pushed Brussels' architects towards Art Nouveau. Both Victor Horta, in an organic style, and Paul Hankar, in a more geometrical tendency, created an architecture that quickly gained an international reputation. In a little more than a decade, from 1893 on, hundreds of Art Nouveau-fashioned buildings appeared in Brussels, elaborated first by the great pioneers and later by their students and imitators who are also influenced by the Vienna Secession and other trends of European Art Nouveau. At first, this style fulfilled industrial bourgeoisie's dreams, yearning to assert itself in the city's structure through this new, and sometimes exuberant, architecture. This book offers nine walks to discover - in different districts - the multiple aspects of architectural Art Nouveau in Brussels. Witness the personal style of the most important architects as well as decorative methods such as sgraffito. Through interviews with owners, custodians and restorers of Art Nouveau-styled buildings, Brussels Art Nouveau describes the fundamental guardians of this remarkable heritage. AUTHOR: Cecile Dubois is an historian, tour guide and organiser of the Biennale Art Nouveau and Art Deco. Sophie Voituron is a photographer specialising in architectural photography. 140 colour, 50 b/w images… (plus d'informations)

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Enormously helpful, just what I wanted (what I want for virtually every place I visit, though of course the subject won't remain the same). Really clear maps, really clear photos, lengthy details about the buildings (nothing's worse than buying a "book" walking tour and seeing Wikipedia cut-and-paste texts that contribute virtually nothing). This is very well worth it. Full colour throughout!

(Note: 5 stars = amazing, wonderful, 4 = very good book, 3 = decent read, 2 = disappointing, 1 = awful, just awful. I'm fairly good at picking for myself so end up with a lot of 4s). ( )
  ashleytylerjohn | Oct 13, 2020 |
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(Re)discover Art Nouveau at the heart of Brussels. At the end of the 19th century, the anti-academic movement pushed Brussels' architects towards Art Nouveau. Both Victor Horta, in an organic style, and Paul Hankar, in a more geometrical tendency, created an architecture that quickly gained an international reputation. In a little more than a decade, from 1893 on, hundreds of Art Nouveau-fashioned buildings appeared in Brussels, elaborated first by the great pioneers and later by their students and imitators who are also influenced by the Vienna Secession and other trends of European Art Nouveau. At first, this style fulfilled industrial bourgeoisie's dreams, yearning to assert itself in the city's structure through this new, and sometimes exuberant, architecture. This book offers nine walks to discover - in different districts - the multiple aspects of architectural Art Nouveau in Brussels. Witness the personal style of the most important architects as well as decorative methods such as sgraffito. Through interviews with owners, custodians and restorers of Art Nouveau-styled buildings, Brussels Art Nouveau describes the fundamental guardians of this remarkable heritage. AUTHOR: Cecile Dubois is an historian, tour guide and organiser of the Biennale Art Nouveau and Art Deco. Sophie Voituron is a photographer specialising in architectural photography. 140 colour, 50 b/w images

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