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Suddenly Single

par Julia London

Séries: Lake Haven {London} (4)

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From the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Julia London comes a sexy and fun new entry in the charming Lake Haven series. When her unicorn dreams collide with his mulish plans, the battle for the heart and soul of a quaint Victorian inn begins. . .Jenny Turner needs to get her life together. She knows it, everyone knows it, and she's going to do it. Soon. But one night when she catches her sometimes "boyfriend" cheating on her in the middle of a summer camping trip, she winds up at a quaint inn on the north shore of Lake Haven that is closed. This presents a problem. She can't go home--her dad has a new woman in his life and doesn't need Jenny's help anymore. She can't go to her friends--they are too eager to hook Jenny up with a job. With no place else to go, Jenny must convince the gruff but very hot innkeeper--who is wearing a kilt for some reason--to let her a stay a night. . .or ten. Edan Mackenzie is closing up shop and going home to Scotland. He came to America a few years ago to help a favorite aunt with her inn and to see part of the world. But he ended up working so much he saw nothing, his aunt died, his girlfriend left him, and suddenly, the usually pragmatic Edan doesn't know who he was or what he's doing with his life anymore. He's come up with a firm plan and specific goals and has no patience for those who don't do the same. But then a woman with shining blue eyes and long legs walks right past his CLOSED sign and into his life, and clearly has no idea what she's doing.At first, Edan is mystified. But then he notices that chatty Jenny is starting to make sense in a weird way, and maybe her plans for getting her life together are perhaps better than his, and maybe this pretty, daffy woman is exactly what Edan needed all along. Just maybe, two people struggling to figure out where life will take them stumble into each other in the right cozy inn at the right time. . . Also AvailableSuddenly in LoveSuddenly Dating Suddenly Engaged… (plus d'informations)

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Julia London wrote an amazing series in Lake Haven but it ended too soon. She listened to the fans and wrote one more romance in Lake Haven. It was worth the wait. While this story takes place in the Lake Haven community it is totally stand alone. It could have happened anywhere and would still be as good.
Two lonely people who have had bad experiences with love meet and form an unusual connection. Edan is the innkeeper who is planning to sell the inn and return to Scotland. Jenny shows up on his doorstep looking for a room in the closed inn. Edan takes pity on her and lets her stay. They are opposites in every way - Jenny can talk to a rock and make it smile, Edan barely says a word. Jenny is impulsive, Edan is thoughtful. The contrast in their character is what makes their relationship so fun and exciting and makes you pull for their Happily Ever After.
Well done Julia London! ( )
  ddeluna1 | Mar 19, 2020 |
I received an ARC of this book from the author to read in exchange for a fair review. Suddenly Single is the fourth book in Julia London’s Lake Haven series. This novella could be read as a stand-alone, however I really like the series and do recommend reading the rest of the books. What happens when the woman who talks a lot meets the man who doesn’t talk much at all... Jenny Turner is feeling like she’s hit rock bottom... she just caught her boyfriend cheating and her father whom she’s spent most of her life caring for now has a girlfriend and he’s told her she needs to get her own life. Edan MacKenzie has decided to close up the Inn his aunt left him when she died and return to Scotland to get back together with his fiancée who left him. These two meet when Jenny ends up at the Inn seeking a place to stay and Edan doesn’t have the heart to turn her away. Sweet and steamy. Publishing Date September 19, 2018 #SuddenlySingle #JuliaLondon ( )
  nmgski | Sep 19, 2018 |
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From the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Julia London comes a sexy and fun new entry in the charming Lake Haven series. When her unicorn dreams collide with his mulish plans, the battle for the heart and soul of a quaint Victorian inn begins. . .Jenny Turner needs to get her life together. She knows it, everyone knows it, and she's going to do it. Soon. But one night when she catches her sometimes "boyfriend" cheating on her in the middle of a summer camping trip, she winds up at a quaint inn on the north shore of Lake Haven that is closed. This presents a problem. She can't go home--her dad has a new woman in his life and doesn't need Jenny's help anymore. She can't go to her friends--they are too eager to hook Jenny up with a job. With no place else to go, Jenny must convince the gruff but very hot innkeeper--who is wearing a kilt for some reason--to let her a stay a night. . .or ten. Edan Mackenzie is closing up shop and going home to Scotland. He came to America a few years ago to help a favorite aunt with her inn and to see part of the world. But he ended up working so much he saw nothing, his aunt died, his girlfriend left him, and suddenly, the usually pragmatic Edan doesn't know who he was or what he's doing with his life anymore. He's come up with a firm plan and specific goals and has no patience for those who don't do the same. But then a woman with shining blue eyes and long legs walks right past his CLOSED sign and into his life, and clearly has no idea what she's doing.At first, Edan is mystified. But then he notices that chatty Jenny is starting to make sense in a weird way, and maybe her plans for getting her life together are perhaps better than his, and maybe this pretty, daffy woman is exactly what Edan needed all along. Just maybe, two people struggling to figure out where life will take them stumble into each other in the right cozy inn at the right time. . . Also AvailableSuddenly in LoveSuddenly Dating Suddenly Engaged

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