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Death on Bull Path (Hamptons Murder Mysteries)

par Carrie Doyle

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Fiction. Mystery. HTML:

The end of summer in the Hamptons means crisp autumn air, cozy knit sweaters—and an unsolvable crime?

Antonia Bingham, chef and proprietor of the Windmill Inn, is looking forward to baking goodies for her customers and relaxing after a busy summer. But when a Labor Day visit by two slick Wall Streeters ends with their gruesome deaths in a summer rental house, Antonia gets pulled into the investigation!

Soon she's wading through social media, the local nightclub scene, and other unfamiliar haunts of the young and glamorous, all while managing her inn and restaurant. And the timing couldn't be worse: Nick Darrow, Antonia's movie star crush, is back in town and ready for a commitment... while the arrival of Antonia's sinister ex-husband threatens to bring everything crashing down.

The high season may be over in this, the next installment of Carrie Doyle's delicious Hamptons Murder Mystery series, but Antonia has never been busier: juggling work, recipes, love, and crime—and fighting for her own life!

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Book 4 in the Hamptons Murder Mysteries. This is the first book in the series that I have read, but I had no trouble getting into the series. I really enjoyed reading this. I liked the description of life in the Hamptons, and the different towns. The mystery was interesting and had enough suspects to keep me guessing. The reveal was surprising to me, but I could also see it working. Additionally, I love the cover art on these books.

The one thing that really bothered me was when Antonia's ex-husband Phillip showed up. I felt nervous the whole time, expecting him to pop up everywhere. I didn't like his abusive and possessive behavior. Just the thought of it makes me angry.

I did like Antonia's relationship with Nick. He seemed like a very loving partner and I like to see that in books. Her love of cooking was apparent, and I do agree with one character's suggestion that she get a private investigator's license, since she is not likely to give up sleuthing.

I received a free copy from the Cozy Mystery Review Crew in exchange for my honest opinion. ( )
  readingover50 | Jun 11, 2019 |
Antonia Bingham owns the Windmill Inn in the East Hamptons. It's just after Labor Day, when the tourist season is slowing down and she can take it easy...or so she thinks. Two men are at the inn one evening, obviously drunk, and the bartender sends them on their way after assuring they have a ride and aren't driving. But when Antonia's friend Sergeant Flanagan shows up, she knows there's going to be trouble.

Unfortunately, that trouble comes in the form of the two men being dead, killed in a most gruesome way. Since they spent some of their last hours there, he wants to know who the woman was that was with them, and if anyone knows her. But Antonia never saw them, and even if she feels because it was her inn, Flanagan tells her nothing.

But it's reporter Larry Lipper who shows up and convinces her that they should investigate the case. As they say, the plot only thickens when a woman comes stumbling out of the woods and another is found in one of Antonia's guest rooms, and neither seem to know what's going on...but do they?

Then movie star Nick Darrow returns and wants to rekindle their romance, but with him not quite divorced from his wife, she wonders just how serious he might be; and things might turn deadly when her ex-husband Philip makes his presence known and sends fear down her spine. Now Antonia needs to keep her wits about her if she's to survive her ex-husband and maybe even a killer...

I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed this book. There is plenty of suspense and intrigue going on, and Antonia is kept busy trying to sift through everything that's thrown at her and discover the truth. While she's not officially investigating the murder, and the police share nothing with her regarding the same (which is nicely believable) she has the help of Larry, who doggedly pursues right along with her, following any and every lead available.

But Antonia isn't sure which of the many suspects have the best motive to kill the men. For one, she's not even sure why they were murdered. No one seems to have answers, and they also don't want to answer her questions.

While for the most part this book was a wonderful read, I didn't care for the fact that she would just decide to question someone without really knowing what to say. You don't just knock on someone's door and demand answers; that's the best way to put them on the defensive. It also seems sloppy, in my opinion.

But I do like Antonia. She's still the scared ex-wife of Philip, probably because his chief joy is in terrorizing her at every opportunity. But she's grown and this time she's using her wits and willing to fight back, which is admirable. She's trying to decide if it's worth pursuing a relationship with Nick, while not telling him that Philip is in town. And her ex has some nasty tricks up his sleeve that even Antonia couldn't believe he would do. I also didn't care for something regarding one of the suspects had done to Antonia. I couldn't believe that there was no recourse by her for this, and wish something would have been said. I certainly wouldn't have walked away from it. It irritated me no end throughout the book.

Never fear, the romance angle isn't overshadowing the mystery, and what a mystery it was. There were plenty of red herrings and every time any of the suspects opened their mouths, it sent her in a different direction looking at someone else - and wondering if any of them were telling the truth at all.

The story was taut and well-written, the characters believable; and while there weren't a lot of descriptions of the area, it didn't really matter since not much of the action took place outdoors. The twists and turns were numerous, and in the end, I was completely surprised by the identity of the murderer; while I realize that there are things which can drive people to desperation, this was a new one for me. All the pieces came together nicely, which boded for a very good tale indeed.

This is the fourth book in the series but can be read as a stand alone. There is very little referencing any of the other books (save a small conversation in the beginning) so one will not feel lost in reading this book nor that they've stepped into the middle of a conversation. All in all, a delightful read. Recommended. ( )
  joannefm2 | Feb 20, 2019 |
Death on Bull Path A Hamptons Murder Mystery by Carrie Doyle is a page turning, fast paced, intriquing mystery that keeps you puzzling to the end.

Antonia once again finds herself in the middle of a murder investigation when two Wall Street playboys are murdered. Her interest in solving this murder is because they had been at the bar in her Inn before meeting their demise. She is pulled further into the mystery when the pushy obnoxious reporter Larry Lipper gets her to help him investigate. Add in the fact that some of the suspects show up at the Inn along with a couple of suspicious people who aren't who they say they are and things get pretty interesting. On top of all that Antonia's dangerous ex shows up to put fear and trepidation into her life and add to the danger she is facing. Can she figure out who the murderer is without Antonia becoming a victim too?

This book has so many things going on that it just keeps you wondering what is coming next. The author does a good job of having so many twists and turns as well as complicated circumstances that add tension to the story. So many times when you have so much going on it gets hard to keep it all straight and takes away from the story but not this author, she adds just enough to make it more exciting and interesting. Her characters are relatable and interesting. Antonia is smart but vulnerable too. Joseph is kind, smart, wise and a good listener. Larry Lipper is so obnoxious but also a softy at times too. They all work together and make the story move.

If you like a tense, fast paced mystery with many twists and turns and a lot of suspects this book is for you.

I received this book for my honest opinion and review. ( )
  debf56 | Jan 20, 2019 |
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Fiction. Mystery. HTML:

The end of summer in the Hamptons means crisp autumn air, cozy knit sweaters—and an unsolvable crime?

Antonia Bingham, chef and proprietor of the Windmill Inn, is looking forward to baking goodies for her customers and relaxing after a busy summer. But when a Labor Day visit by two slick Wall Streeters ends with their gruesome deaths in a summer rental house, Antonia gets pulled into the investigation!

Soon she's wading through social media, the local nightclub scene, and other unfamiliar haunts of the young and glamorous, all while managing her inn and restaurant. And the timing couldn't be worse: Nick Darrow, Antonia's movie star crush, is back in town and ready for a commitment... while the arrival of Antonia's sinister ex-husband threatens to bring everything crashing down.

The high season may be over in this, the next installment of Carrie Doyle's delicious Hamptons Murder Mystery series, but Antonia has never been busier: juggling work, recipes, love, and crime—and fighting for her own life!


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