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Botanical Folk Tales of Britain and Ireland

par Lisa Schneidau

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1876150,759 (3.58)2
The islands of Britain and Ireland hold a rich heritage of plant folklore and wisdom, from the magical yew tree to the bad-tempered dandelion. Here are traditional tales about the trees and plants that shape our landscapes and our lives through the seasons. They explore the complex relationship between people and plants, in lowlands and uplands, fields, bogs, moors, woodlands and towns.… (plus d'informations)

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» Voir aussi les 2 mentions

5 sur 5
I enjoyed Woodland Folk Tales more, but there were plenty of good stories in this one too. Enjoyable read. ( )
  dinahmine | May 22, 2024 |
Oral tales always suffer a bit when translated to text, in my opinion. These stories, while charming enough, fall into that pattern. ( )
  Treebeard_404 | Jan 23, 2024 |
A magical collection of short stories that all have to do with plants in one way or another. The author re-wrote the old folk tales and for the most part I think she did a good job. There were a few that ended abruptly, but I'm sure that those particular tales were sparse to begin with. ( )
  LynnMPK | Jun 27, 2023 |
The title says it all. This book contains several short stories of folk tales with links to plants. Some of these tales I knew, most of them I did not. A few of the stories had the author's interpretation from the traditional versions I am familiar with. Many of these tales reminded me of Grimm's fairy tales; a stark reminder that fairy tales aren't always happy endings. ( )
  ArcherKel | Aug 17, 2022 |
Botanical Folk Tales of Britain and Ireland is a charming collection of plant-related folk tales organized according to the eight-fold wheel of the year. Some of the stories seem to be only tangentially connected to plants, and many of the stories I have read before in some form in other collections. However, as a whole the stories are very well-written and well put together. I love the idea of a plant-centered collection of tales and I also appreciate the theme of maintaining a good relationship with the land, a theme that keeps reappearing throughout this collection. I think this book would be best read slowly or by dipping into it on occasion, rather than straight through. I would recommend it if you're interested in this sort of thing. ( )
1 voter Heather39 | Jan 12, 2022 |
5 sur 5
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The islands of Britain and Ireland hold a rich heritage of plant folklore and wisdom, from the magical yew tree to the bad-tempered dandelion. Here are traditional tales about the trees and plants that shape our landscapes and our lives through the seasons. They explore the complex relationship between people and plants, in lowlands and uplands, fields, bogs, moors, woodlands and towns.

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Moyenne: (3.58)
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4 6
5 2

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