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Funny Cide

par Sally Jenkins

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1751161,480 (3.48)11
In America in 2003, Funny Cide became the people's horse', the unheralded New York-bred gelding who inspired a nation by knocking off the champions and their multi-millionaire owners and sweeping to the brink of the Triple Crown. Trained by a journeyman who had been knocking around racing for more than thirty years, ridden by a hard-luck jockey, and owned by a tiny stable founded by a band of high school buddies who tossed in a few thousand dollars each and decided to follow their dream, Funny Cide became a blue-collar hero with a bit. His story is crammed with colourful characters only one of which happened to be a horse. bestseller It's Not About the Bike, Funny Cide tells the whole story the parts we know and the parts we never suspected as it follows the group's emotional ups and downs against overwhelming odds, illness and even scandal, to capture the imagination of millions. It is a book for the underdog in all of us.… (plus d'informations)

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Book on CD read by Dan Cashman

In 2003 an unlikely horse, from an unlikely stable owned by a group of high-school buddies won the Kentucky Derby and captured the hearts of America. This is his story.

I like horse racing, though I admit that I watch few races other than the Triple Crown ones. I’ve read more than a few biographies of jockeys and of famous horses. I was as caught up as anyone in Funny Cide’s Triple Crown saga, and as broken hearted when he was beat during that final leg at the Belmont.

Jenkins does a good job of weaving together the various stories behind the horse: the original breeder, the owners who carefully and gently broke him to saddle, the trainer who recognized his potential, the group of high-school friends who wanted a fun way to still be a “team” despite their varied family and work responsibilities, and the jockey who immediately felt the potential in this unlikely mount.

I particularly liked the way she wrote the build-up to the Derby and Funny Cide’s amazing win there. I felt the excitement all over again. The only thing missing was a mint julep.

Dan Cashman does a fine job narrating the audio. He sets a good pace and his narration of the race scenes was top notch. ( )
  BookConcierge | Aug 31, 2019 |
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In America in 2003, Funny Cide became the people's horse', the unheralded New York-bred gelding who inspired a nation by knocking off the champions and their multi-millionaire owners and sweeping to the brink of the Triple Crown. Trained by a journeyman who had been knocking around racing for more than thirty years, ridden by a hard-luck jockey, and owned by a tiny stable founded by a band of high school buddies who tossed in a few thousand dollars each and decided to follow their dream, Funny Cide became a blue-collar hero with a bit. His story is crammed with colourful characters only one of which happened to be a horse. bestseller It's Not About the Bike, Funny Cide tells the whole story the parts we know and the parts we never suspected as it follows the group's emotional ups and downs against overwhelming odds, illness and even scandal, to capture the imagination of millions. It is a book for the underdog in all of us.

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