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Bitch Slap

par Michael Craft

Séries: Mark Manning Mysteries (Book 7)

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Journalist Mark Manning has been successfully running his family's newspaper,The Dumont Daily Register, for several years now, and he sits on the board of two local companies, Quatro Press and Ashton Mills. So when the respective CEOs of these companies discuss a merger, it is only natural that Manning be interested in the proceedings. What's more, Manning's lover Neil, an architect, is designing a new house for Ashton's CEO, Gillian Reece. Reece is a business friend of Manning but not a friend to many else; she is generally considered overly aggressive and fastidious. When Manning assigns Glee Savage, the newspaper's society reporter, to cover Reece's new home, the subsequent meeting between the two does not end well: Savage huffs off in a fury but not beforae ferociously bitch slapping Reece in front of everyone. With Reece's cheek still smarting, more bad news comes as the accountant performing due diligence for the merger reports some very questionable items regarding Ashton's books. It seems as though things couldn't go much worse for the unpleasant Reece. That is, until she is murdered. The discovery of her body is greeted with great surprise, but perhaps not much regret on the part of most who knew her. Still, with Manning's friend and employee Glee Savage as the obvious and primary suspect, he cannot resist wading in to this most unsound of business dealings.… (plus d'informations)

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This one has Mark looking into the death of a local business woman. She fell from the top of a two story ladder in her library. She was the head of a company that due to merge with another local business. But She had other plans for the merged company. She also was not very well liked from her husband to the window dresser as well as one of the reporters at Mark's paper. Has kind of a surprise ending. ( )
  ChrisWeir | Jun 22, 2022 |
Whoa, that's about the craziest whodunnit ever - I totally didn't see that coming. Craft warns the reader in the beginning that this will break with convention, but I didn't expect this! Had some qualms about the police's reaction to the killer's identity, but otherwise a really good read. Too bad this is the last in the series. I'll miss Mark and Neil!! ( )
  -Eva- | Jun 17, 2009 |
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Mon onzième roman, comme tous les autres, est encore pour Léon
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Journalist Mark Manning has been successfully running his family's newspaper,The Dumont Daily Register, for several years now, and he sits on the board of two local companies, Quatro Press and Ashton Mills. So when the respective CEOs of these companies discuss a merger, it is only natural that Manning be interested in the proceedings. What's more, Manning's lover Neil, an architect, is designing a new house for Ashton's CEO, Gillian Reece. Reece is a business friend of Manning but not a friend to many else; she is generally considered overly aggressive and fastidious. When Manning assigns Glee Savage, the newspaper's society reporter, to cover Reece's new home, the subsequent meeting between the two does not end well: Savage huffs off in a fury but not beforae ferociously bitch slapping Reece in front of everyone. With Reece's cheek still smarting, more bad news comes as the accountant performing due diligence for the merger reports some very questionable items regarding Ashton's books. It seems as though things couldn't go much worse for the unpleasant Reece. That is, until she is murdered. The discovery of her body is greeted with great surprise, but perhaps not much regret on the part of most who knew her. Still, with Manning's friend and employee Glee Savage as the obvious and primary suspect, he cannot resist wading in to this most unsound of business dealings.

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