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Her Rocky Mountain Hero

par Jennifer D. Bokal

Séries: Rocky Mountain Justice (book 1)

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In Jennifer D. Bokal's new Rocky Mountain Justice romance, a lone agent falls for the enemy When security expert Cody Samuels finds fugitive Viktoria Mateev in hiding, he can't believe his luck. Turning her in will be the perfect revenge on the crime family who destroyed Cody's DEA career. But to his surprise, Cody is just in time to rescue Viktoria from assassins. He soon finds himself tracking her son's kidnappers--and trying to resist his deepest desires... To keep her son from her ruthless in-laws, Viktoria went on the run. Now she's teaming up with a man she can't trust. Cody's courage and bold gambits are a temptation Viktoria can't resist--even as a risky sacrifice guarantees they may not survive to see another holiday.… (plus d'informations)

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When Cody found Viktoria Mateev, he was thrilled to locate the unfit mother who kidnapped her son. But it didn't take him long to realize she was a wonderful mother. Yes, she had run away with her son, but that was only so that his grandfather couldn't take him to Russia. Instead of arresting her, keeping Viktoria and Gregory safe became his top priority. Rescuing her from assassins was the first of several ways he did this.

Viktoria was on the run with her son because she knew of the lies the authorities had been told about her being an unfit mother. Because of the lies, they were required to take him from her, giving custody to her father-in-law. As a mother, she would do anything for her child. Especially keep him from living with his grandfather in Russia where he was the head of a crime family.

This book is full of action from attempted kidnapping to attempted murder. The events that kept Viktoria running were scary but with Cody helping her, she was one step ahead of the bad guys. Even though Viktoria didn't trust Cody, she was attracted to him. I liked that these feelings made her realize she was more than just a mother. I liked Cody. When he figured out Viktoria wasn't the woman he was told she was, he let it go and knew he had to protect her.

I absolutely felt for these characters.....the fear, the tension, the hold your breath moments and ...the love. If you haven't read Her Rocky Mountain Hero, I encourage you to do so. ( )
  JoAB | Sep 24, 2018 |
Good book about a man bent on revenge and a woman who will do anything to protect her son. Cody has been trying to bring down a Russian crime family ever since they destroyed his career with the DEA. When the security firm he works for is tasked with finding the fugitive daughter and grandson of his nemesis, Cody is thrilled. But when he watches the house to witness the takedown, something doesn't feel right.

Viktoria is desperate to keep her young son away from her ruthless father-in-law. When he tries to have her declared an unfit mother so that he can take custody, she takes Gregory and runs. A few weeks later they have settled into an isolated cabin in the Colorado mountains and Viktoria feels like she can give Gregory a traditional Christmas. Then she awakens one night to find her son gone and men waiting to kill her.

The book takes place over just a few days, enabling the intensity to build quickly. From the moment that Cody realizes that the men he sees enter the house aren't law enforcement to the apprehension of the kidnapper, it feels as though the action is nearly non-stop. A lack of trust between Cody and Viktoria complicates their rescue planning. Cody believes that Viktoria is just as guilty as her family and it takes him awhile to realize that she isn't. However, Cody won't let a little boy pay the price for his family's crimes. Viktoria doesn't want to trust the man whose actions brought the kidnappers to her doorstep, but she can't refuse the help. I liked the realism of seeing that not all their actions went according to plan. I also liked seeing the action from the bad guys' side as they dealt with the unexpected complications caused by Cody and Viktoria. The final confrontation was exciting as Cody and Viktoria raced against time to keep the bad guy from taking Gregory out of the country. I especially loved seeing Viktoria's part in saving her son, showing you don't get between a mama bear and her cub.

The development of the relationship between Cody and Viktoria was very fast. There was immediate attraction between them, in spite of the lack of trust. Beyond that attraction, there was also a connection that neither could deny. I ached for Cody and his feelings of being broken, especially with his estrangement from his sister. I loved seeing Viktoria bash her way through his walls and help him heal. The scene at the end where she played "Santa's helper" was sweet and showed just how well she had come to know him. Both felt vulnerable at the end, not sure if the other felt the same way. ( )
  scoutmomskf | Nov 27, 2017 |
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In Jennifer D. Bokal's new Rocky Mountain Justice romance, a lone agent falls for the enemy When security expert Cody Samuels finds fugitive Viktoria Mateev in hiding, he can't believe his luck. Turning her in will be the perfect revenge on the crime family who destroyed Cody's DEA career. But to his surprise, Cody is just in time to rescue Viktoria from assassins. He soon finds himself tracking her son's kidnappers--and trying to resist his deepest desires... To keep her son from her ruthless in-laws, Viktoria went on the run. Now she's teaming up with a man she can't trust. Cody's courage and bold gambits are a temptation Viktoria can't resist--even as a risky sacrifice guarantees they may not survive to see another holiday.

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