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Children To The Slaughter

par A. I. Nasser

Séries: Slaughter Series (1)

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Melington has changed.There is an evil lurking in the darkness, under the beds and behind closet doors. It seeks vengeance and retribution and will not be denied. No one knows this more than Alan Carter. Returning to his hometown after a twenty year absence, he is resolute in uncovering the truth behind his sister's abduction and the strange disappearance of children. Joined by his childhood friend, Alan finds himself thrown into the middle of a conspiracy led by the town Council as it desperately tries to hide its secrets from the world.No child is safe in Melington, and Alan Carter needs to stop the curse that has haunted his hometown for generations. But as Alan's brushes with death become more frequent, he finds himself running out of luck.… (plus d'informations)

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The story is about Alan whose sister disappeared when they were young. Alan has come back to the town where it happened to try to find out what happened to her. A lot of children have disappeared over the years and he wants to know why. What happened to them all?
I liked that it was more spooky than just out and out violent. I like the way the author wrote it with Alan in present day and a journal from 1826. The author did an excellent job with blending the two time periods. The characters were connected through generations so you really get the full impact of how long the horror has gone on. There are bonus scenes at the end of the Audible version. I don't know if they are included in the ebook. The book is part of a series.
I enjoyed the narrator, Jake Urry. He has a good voice and puts emotions into his reading. At times I forgot it was just one narrator.
If you are reading the book yourself you may find the beginning slow going as the author builds the story. It does quickly pick up though. I think this was better in the audio version. It is more like someone is telling you a story they know. I stayed with it better. If you like spooky, atmospheric stories you may like this one. If you are looking for violent, gory stuff you probably won't.
I would like to thank the editor for providing me with a copy of the book from Audible for review purposes. The review is my honest impression of the book after listening to it. I received no compensation for this review. ( )
  Wulfwyn907 | Jan 30, 2022 |
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Melington has changed.There is an evil lurking in the darkness, under the beds and behind closet doors. It seeks vengeance and retribution and will not be denied. No one knows this more than Alan Carter. Returning to his hometown after a twenty year absence, he is resolute in uncovering the truth behind his sister's abduction and the strange disappearance of children. Joined by his childhood friend, Alan finds himself thrown into the middle of a conspiracy led by the town Council as it desperately tries to hide its secrets from the world.No child is safe in Melington, and Alan Carter needs to stop the curse that has haunted his hometown for generations. But as Alan's brushes with death become more frequent, he finds himself running out of luck.

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