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British Sporting Stories

par John Arlott

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Récemment ajouté parvanaprastha, jon1lambert

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Includes 'The cup final of 1934', a rather one-sided view of Manchester City's victory over Portsmouth in the 1934 FA Cup Final. Sadly, though, the author, Frank Swift died 5 years after the publication of this book in the Munich air crash.

it was the Arlott name that sprang out to me from the shelves of the Oxfam bookshop near Bedford Square in London. There it was on a copy of British sporting stories selected by John Arlott, a Pocket book edition published and distributed by the News of the World in 1953. I was one year old then. The Pocket book emblem was a kangaroo reading a book. The cover design is striking. A rampant lion dominates. The king of the jungle carries a cricket bat, a rugby ball and a football, old balls of the brown leather variety, those that absorbed the damp. The lion proudly carries a bright union jack.

I have come across other editions of this anthology but it was news to me that within the book there is a story entitled The cup final of 1934 by Frank Swift. Those immersed in the lore of Portsmourh Football Club can recite the dates of Pompey cup final appearances and the outcomes.

1929 Lost to Bolton 0-2
1934 Lost to Manchester City (unluckily) 1-2
1939 Beat the mighty Wolves 4-1 and held the cup for longer than anyone else before or since
2008 Beat Cardiff City 1-0
2010 Lost to Chelsea 0-1
On top of that there was the wartime cup final of 1942, a victory over Brentford.

There are different views about everything including the 1934 Cup Final. Frank Swift, Manchester City's young goalkeeper on the day, recounts events from his own viewpoint. Inevitably it is all about Manchester City, himself and their glory, Matt Busby among their number. Tales handed down to me explain that defeat was down to the injury to Jimmy Allen, Pompey's centre half. There were no substitutes in those days. Pompey were ahead and let in two goals late on after Allen's injury. It was simple. That was that. Injustice. To read Swift's account is galling for a Pompey fan. We know the ending, the sadness and the misery. We have to endure the transformation of a nervous goalie into hero. We have to tolerate the histrionics, the fainting of the keeper at the end. But we also know that glory was to come later in 1939 and 2008.

We are also aware of the tragedy that befell Swift and so many others in 1958. ( )
  jon1lambert | Jul 10, 2017 |
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