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Blood and Sand

par Matthew James

Séries: Hank Boyd (1)

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A fierce sandstorm hits southern Algeria and uncovers a lost ruin, its location unknown to modern man...until now. A team led by slacker archaeologist, Harrison "Hank" Boyd, is called in to investigate the find.In way over his head, Hank must lead his team through countless dangers and survive brutal encounters with enemies both human and inhuman alike. And if that's not bad enough, a shadowy group with a thirst for violence and a blind ambition is hot on their heels and will stop at nothing to obtain what has been found.Hank and company should have heeded the warning left by the ancient civilization who built this place. Expertly carved into the face of the golden relief found at the ruin entrance and written in perfect Latin is 'liberate te ex inferis' yourself from hell.Matthew James's debut novel is an action-packed thriller reminiscent of Jeremy Robinson and Matthew Reilly. Sit back and enjoy yourself while getting lost in an adventure like no other.… (plus d'informations)

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I could not get past Chapter three. Seemed clunky and forced. Completely lost me at the four enormous waterspouts and the cockpit scene. ( )
  Domenick.Venezia | Aug 20, 2023 |
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A fierce sandstorm hits southern Algeria and uncovers a lost ruin, its location unknown to modern man...until now. A team led by slacker archaeologist, Harrison "Hank" Boyd, is called in to investigate the find.In way over his head, Hank must lead his team through countless dangers and survive brutal encounters with enemies both human and inhuman alike. And if that's not bad enough, a shadowy group with a thirst for violence and a blind ambition is hot on their heels and will stop at nothing to obtain what has been found.Hank and company should have heeded the warning left by the ancient civilization who built this place. Expertly carved into the face of the golden relief found at the ruin entrance and written in perfect Latin is 'liberate te ex inferis' yourself from hell.Matthew James's debut novel is an action-packed thriller reminiscent of Jeremy Robinson and Matthew Reilly. Sit back and enjoy yourself while getting lost in an adventure like no other.

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