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The Tuttle Twins and the Road to Surfdom

par Connor Boyack

Séries: Tuttle Twins (5)

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"A twisted tale of unintended consequences unfolds! History abounds with examples of government officials making decisions, well-intentioned or otherwise, that harm others. Unfortunately, these unintended consequences are never anticipated, and rarely considered once they occur. As the Tuttle twins find in their latest adventure, central planning can ruin people's lives. Nobel prize-winning economist F.A. Hayek's famous book The Road to Serfdom comes to life in this enlightening edition, showing that when people get what they wish for they often get much more than they bargained. Read along as Ethan and Emily investigate a new road built to take travelers to a beach named Surfdom--and the disruption it brings to the entire community."--page 4 of cover.… (plus d'informations)

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Review on the 11 books of the Tuttle Twin series.

Scrolling through my Facebook feed one day, I noticed an ad for a children’s book series that highlighted a negative review. I don’t recall the exact wording, but the reviewer complained that the books brainwashed kids to believe in a conservative view of society. That sold me. I never bought a product impulsively based on an online ad before, but I saw that these books would be a valuable resource for homeschooling and educationally involved families.

I have intentionally taught my kids a biblical and conservative worldview since they were little. If parents don’t make a conscious effort to pass on their worldview to their children, the cultural elites— academia, mainstream media, Hollywood, and Madison Avenue—will. Their plan for society has birthed an overbearing government, anti-patriotism, and the recent riots that have destroyed the centers of many American cities.

Recognizing that schools no longer teach classical liberty, Connor Boyack wrote these books to instruct his kids on how a free society functions.

His worldview may seem a bit extreme to some readers, especially his apparent antagonism towards the government. Libertarians believe that the governments that rule the best rule the least.

Even if you don’t hold such a strong view about government, you will still find these books useful in training your children on how civics and economics work in a free society. Family discussions on how people hold different views on these topics will benefit everyone.

Many of the one-star reviewers on Amazon object to the reference to God in the first book, The Tuttle Twins Learn About the Law. I agree with Boyack that our inalienable rights come from God, and a government will only safeguard these rights if its leaders submit to a transcendent power. Despite this, those who may dislike “religion” will still find this series helpful. The other ten books don’t reference faith or God.

Meet the Tuttle Twins
Book #1, introduces readers to the nine-year-old twins, Ethan and Emily Tuttle. The publisher says after book one, the other books can be read in any order. Even so, some books do reference back to previous books, but generally, each adventure stands on its own.

These books seem to be a cross between the Boxcar Children series and the Magic School Bus series. Like the children characters in The Boxcar Children, Ethan and Emily seem too perfect and precocious as they engage with the community at a higher maturity level than most nine-year-olds. But these characteristics make them good role models, which our society dearly needs.

Each book’s message takes priority over the storyline in the same way the Magic School Bus science lessons overshadow the adventures. Also similar to the Magic School Bus books, the numerous illustrations in this series move the story along. The length and reading level are comparable to the Magic School Bus series as well.

The author bases each book on a publication that expounds on a free society idea in a philosophical manner. For instance, presents the ideas of Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850) in his book The Law.

The Tuttle Twins and the Road to Surfdom, based on the book The Road to Serfdom by F. A. Hayek, illustrates how government decisions, whether intended or not, can negatively affect businesses and their communities. ( )
  Newton_Books | Feb 4, 2021 |
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"A twisted tale of unintended consequences unfolds! History abounds with examples of government officials making decisions, well-intentioned or otherwise, that harm others. Unfortunately, these unintended consequences are never anticipated, and rarely considered once they occur. As the Tuttle twins find in their latest adventure, central planning can ruin people's lives. Nobel prize-winning economist F.A. Hayek's famous book The Road to Serfdom comes to life in this enlightening edition, showing that when people get what they wish for they often get much more than they bargained. Read along as Ethan and Emily investigate a new road built to take travelers to a beach named Surfdom--and the disruption it brings to the entire community."--page 4 of cover.

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