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I, Eliza Hamilton

par Susan Holloway Scott

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
313786,826 (3.63)3
In this beautifully written novel of historical fiction, bestselling author Susan Holloway Scott tells the story of Alexander Hamilton's wife, Eliza-a fascinating, strong-willed heroine in her own right and a key figure in one of the most gripping periods in American history. "Love is not easy with a man chosen by Fate for greatness." As the daughter of a respected general, Elizabeth Schuyler is accustomed to socializing with dignitaries and soldiers. But no visitor to her parents' home has affected her so strongly as Alexander Hamilton, a charismatic, ambitious aide to George Washington. They marry quickly, and despite the tumult of the American Revolution, Eliza is confident in her brilliant husband and in her role as his helpmate. But it is in the aftermath of war, as Hamilton becomes one of the country's most important figures, that she truly comes into her own. In Washington, Eliza becomes an adored member of society, respected for her fierce devotion to Hamilton as well as her grace. Behind closed doors, she astutely manages their expanding household and assists her husband with his political writings. Yet some challenges are impossible to prepare for. Through public scandal, betrayal, personal heartbreak, and tragedy, she is tested again and again. In the end, it will be Eliza's indomitable strength that makes her not only Hamilton's most crucial ally in life, but his most loyal advocate after his death, determined to preserve his legacy while pursuing her own extraordinary path through the nation they helped shape together.… (plus d'informations)
  1. 00
    The Hamilton Affair par Elizabeth Cobbs (jordantaylor)
    jordantaylor: Both books are about Eliza and Alexander Hamilton
  2. 00
    My Dear Hamilton par Stephanie Dray (Utilisateur anonyme)

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» Voir aussi les 3 mentions

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Oh, how I do love a good Alex/Eliza historical romance. Buddy read this one with my mom! Yay, we both loved it! Two thumbs up! The execution was quite well done, with a good mix of history, romance between the two lovers, bits of individual character, details on the war, the economic crisis that followed, and the founding of the United States, and just really good pacing. I have such admiration for authors like Scott who can present long passages of historical fact, provide just enough wonderful bits of detail about hair powder, dress descriptions, passages about the terrible winter weather in New Jersey and the woes of the Continental Army not getting paid, and keep it fresh and entertaining chapter after chapter. This was masterfully done and managed to balance everything just right.

But the very best thing about this was the intense connection presented between Alex and Eliza. As we all know from history, Alexander Hamilton was a brilliant, passionate, but flawed man, and the book stayed true to that while still keeping the love story a love story. All in all, one of my favorite historical romances!

Please excuse typos/name misspellings. Entered on screen reader.
( )
  KatKinney | Mar 3, 2022 |
I am happy that we read this because Alexander Hamilton was known only to me by name not deeds. The hit play is enjoying phenomenal success and I want to see it. He was a founding father whose ideas were well thought out. He studied and observed other fledgling democracies and learned from what went wrong with them. ( )
  bereanna | Jun 6, 2019 |
I admit to being bitten by Hamilton fever last year. I shared the bug with my son. So when I saw this book in the library, I was intrigued. My son is trying to work his way through Ron Chernow's biography, but I wanted to see what Eliza's side might look like. All in all, it was a good, but dense book. I feel like a lot of time was spent on their courtship and early years, and the Eliza portrayed there was more insecure and a little flighty, as one might expect from a young, sheltered woman. I had trouble getting through some of these pages. As the story progresses, however, Eliza comes into her own as a woman and a partner to Alexander. I felt like the last few years of the story were rushed, but I did learn a few more details to the Hamilton-Burr feud. I wish more had been spent on her later years rather than that being resigned to a four-page afterword. A woman who lives fifty years on after her illustrious husband's death has far more story to tell. ( )
  ladypembroke | May 17, 2019 |
I was a history major in college, and granted that was back with the dinosaurs, so my memory may be dim but this novel based on the life of Alexander Hamilton’s wife brings me knew insights. I may shake my head over the horrible things being said in politics today, but they had nothing on what was going on in the early years of the country. It broke my heart to hear how Hamilton and Jefferson feuded. It seem almost sacrilegious to find out our founding fathers could hurl such vile words at each other. I’m so glad I read this before seeing the musical Hamilton. ( )
  brangwinn | Nov 6, 2017 |
With all the Hamilton mania, I was intrigued to see this novelization of Eliza Hamilton's life. This book opens with the meeting of Alexander and Eliza and follows their initial romance and marriage, ending with the fatal duel. The author does a good job of providing a realistic portrayal of the marriage, complete with financial troubles and the devastation of Hamilton's extramarital affair, but also providing the reader with a couple who love each other. Overall, I found this book to be good (but not great) and I'd recommend it to anyone interested in Hamilton or his wife. ( )
  wagner.sarah35 | Nov 4, 2017 |
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In this beautifully written novel of historical fiction, bestselling author Susan Holloway Scott tells the story of Alexander Hamilton's wife, Eliza-a fascinating, strong-willed heroine in her own right and a key figure in one of the most gripping periods in American history. "Love is not easy with a man chosen by Fate for greatness." As the daughter of a respected general, Elizabeth Schuyler is accustomed to socializing with dignitaries and soldiers. But no visitor to her parents' home has affected her so strongly as Alexander Hamilton, a charismatic, ambitious aide to George Washington. They marry quickly, and despite the tumult of the American Revolution, Eliza is confident in her brilliant husband and in her role as his helpmate. But it is in the aftermath of war, as Hamilton becomes one of the country's most important figures, that she truly comes into her own. In Washington, Eliza becomes an adored member of society, respected for her fierce devotion to Hamilton as well as her grace. Behind closed doors, she astutely manages their expanding household and assists her husband with his political writings. Yet some challenges are impossible to prepare for. Through public scandal, betrayal, personal heartbreak, and tragedy, she is tested again and again. In the end, it will be Eliza's indomitable strength that makes her not only Hamilton's most crucial ally in life, but his most loyal advocate after his death, determined to preserve his legacy while pursuing her own extraordinary path through the nation they helped shape together.

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