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Knit Together

par Vivian Kay

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After Marigold Shadd's parents disappeared during a mission trip, she and her sister Ixora moved to Mapleville, a rural community on the shores of Lake Erie. Their grandmother Annabelle "Big Momma" Henson adored them but Marigold had lost faith in everything including God. Marigold's best friend Logan van Basten became the silver lining in her life. Days after their high school graduation, they ran off to New York and took up cruise ship jobs. Time may heal all wounds but the decade spent at sea didn't fill the void in Marigold's heart. When Logan revealed that his wife Alena was unable to carry a child and asked Marigold to become their surrogate mother, she said yes. Marigold saw Logan's request as an opportunity to prove her sister Ixora wrong. Ixora had always said she was selfish. What could be more redeeming than her carrying a baby for a woman she didn't even like?… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parKiera_loves_books, Dohakoma

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Author Vivian Kay has penned a story that is emotional, sometimes funny, sometimes sad, but it carries a message. It’s a short novelette, but the characters are well developed and interesting and it packs quite a punch. Big Momma reminded me so much of my grandmother, I could almost hear her voice. I wanted to smack Marigold’s snooty sister, Ixora, until I found out why she acts that way. Then, I wanted to hug her. I’m still mad at Logan for losing his backbone though, I really wanted him to stand firm. His wife, Alena, left such a bitter taste in my mouth, I had to go brush my teeth after reading her interaction with Logan and Marigold.

Tackling the question of surrogacy, unrequited love, and moral obligation, it also addresses complicated relationships in both love and family, and the question of faith, strength, and belief. Knit Together will, I’m sure, spark conversations in households and book clubs. I’m hoping that there is a continuation of this book, because I absolutely must find out what happens to the characters, especially Logi, Jr.

I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a good, short, “I can’t put this down” read that makes you think, wonder “what-if”, and helps you to realign your faith. (I was at the doctor’s office and the nurse called my name several times, before I finally heard her. Everyone wanted to know what had my attention so hard, lol.) ( )
  Kiera_loves_books | Jan 8, 2018 |
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After Marigold Shadd's parents disappeared during a mission trip, she and her sister Ixora moved to Mapleville, a rural community on the shores of Lake Erie. Their grandmother Annabelle "Big Momma" Henson adored them but Marigold had lost faith in everything including God. Marigold's best friend Logan van Basten became the silver lining in her life. Days after their high school graduation, they ran off to New York and took up cruise ship jobs. Time may heal all wounds but the decade spent at sea didn't fill the void in Marigold's heart. When Logan revealed that his wife Alena was unable to carry a child and asked Marigold to become their surrogate mother, she said yes. Marigold saw Logan's request as an opportunity to prove her sister Ixora wrong. Ixora had always said she was selfish. What could be more redeeming than her carrying a baby for a woman she didn't even like?

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