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Kate Warne, Pinkerton Detective

par Marissa Moss

Autres auteurs: April Chu (Illustrateur)

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424615,295 (3.88)1
When Kate Warne applied for a job with the Pinkerton Agency, Pinkerton assumed she wanted to cook or clean, but he agreed to try her out as an agent. Assigned to a tough case with high stakes, Warne went undercover and not only found the stolen money, she got almost all of it returned. The Adams Express Case made the reputation of the fledgling Pinkerton Agency, turning it into the biggest, most prestigious detective company in the world. Warne went on to direct an entire women's division of detectives and Pinkerton relied on her for his hardest cases. -- Provided by publisher.… (plus d'informations)

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Kate Warne was initially Kate Carter, a single woman who needed a way to support herself. She felt like she could use her status as a woman to get close to suspects' females--something that male Pinkerton detectives could not too.

I found the book too wordy. That being said, it had excellent illustrations. They fit the 1850's time setting quite accurately. ( )
  msgabbythelibrarian | Jun 11, 2023 |
Kate Warne walked into the Pinkerton Agency in answer to a job ad and became America’s first female detective by the following day. The adventures of the cunning and courageous detective’s first case are chronicled. Includes Author’s Note, Bibliography, About the Authors. (
  NCSS | Jul 23, 2021 |
Adventure story! ( )
  melodyreads | Jan 24, 2018 |
I really enjoy stories of pioneering women. But I love sharing them with my sons even more! ( )
  lissabeth21 | Oct 3, 2017 |
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Marissa Mossauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Chu, AprilIllustrateurauteur secondairetoutes les éditionsconfirmé
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When Kate Warne applied for a job with the Pinkerton Agency, Pinkerton assumed she wanted to cook or clean, but he agreed to try her out as an agent. Assigned to a tough case with high stakes, Warne went undercover and not only found the stolen money, she got almost all of it returned. The Adams Express Case made the reputation of the fledgling Pinkerton Agency, turning it into the biggest, most prestigious detective company in the world. Warne went on to direct an entire women's division of detectives and Pinkerton relied on her for his hardest cases. -- Provided by publisher.

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Marissa Moss est un auteur LibraryThing, c'est-à-dire un auteur qui catalogue sa bibliothèque personnelle sur LibraryThing.

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