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par Kris Michaels

Séries: Kings of Guardian (6)

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Jasmine King loved her chosen profession, until she was assigned as Chad Nelson's personal security officer. The sex-fueled country superstar was either a stone-cold killer or the target of a deranged psychopath. Regardless, the self-absorbed bad boy was now hers to protect, and she'd be damned if she'd fail-despite the singer's best efforts to make things difficult. One minute Chad Nelson was the reigning king of country music and the next, an FBI murder suspect in not one, but two murders. As if that's not bad enough, he's in the crosshairs of someone who wants him dead. He's got a front row seat to the destruction of his wildly successful and carefully constructed life. Jasmine and Chad are plunged into a deadly situation when the race to get him to safety reveals pursuit by not only Chad's enemies, but worse, Guardian's. Now, positions are reversed as the country star reaches back to a military past to help free Jasmine from a bloody confrontation. Thankfully, Chad's not the shallow performer Jasmine originally suspected, and she'll use any advantage to protect her man as Guardian scrambles to find the killer.… (plus d'informations)

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not up for the BDSM propaganda. Good story otherwise. ( )
  LadyTi | Nov 7, 2022 |
Another stellar story from the world Guardian Security. I haven't seen much of Jasmine in any of the previous books, so to read her story was a treat. Jasmine is tough and don't forget it. She can hold her own against anyone but that goes against every chivalrous bone in Chad's body. He's a down home country boy that was taught to respect his elders and open doors for ladies.

Jasmine and Chad fell together fairly quickly, but there is a lot of stressful situations that presented themselves so they had to bond fast. The mystery whodunnit was fairly easy to figure out, but that's not the point of the book. The point is to join the King family and welcome another member to their ever extending family.

Jared makes the most appearances since he's head of the domestic side of Guardian security, but Drake, Dixon, Doc, Amanda, Frank, Joseph, Ember, Jason and some extent Reece and Faith all made it out to the ranch to meet the singer that their sister hooked her star to.

I love this King family. It's hard to pick a favorite because they all have their own unique situations. I'll be interested to see more of the family in the next book. I'll even be more interested to see WHO is in the next book! ( )
  NellOneBookTwo | Jan 30, 2017 |
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Jasmine King loved her chosen profession, until she was assigned as Chad Nelson's personal security officer. The sex-fueled country superstar was either a stone-cold killer or the target of a deranged psychopath. Regardless, the self-absorbed bad boy was now hers to protect, and she'd be damned if she'd fail-despite the singer's best efforts to make things difficult. One minute Chad Nelson was the reigning king of country music and the next, an FBI murder suspect in not one, but two murders. As if that's not bad enough, he's in the crosshairs of someone who wants him dead. He's got a front row seat to the destruction of his wildly successful and carefully constructed life. Jasmine and Chad are plunged into a deadly situation when the race to get him to safety reveals pursuit by not only Chad's enemies, but worse, Guardian's. Now, positions are reversed as the country star reaches back to a military past to help free Jasmine from a bloody confrontation. Thankfully, Chad's not the shallow performer Jasmine originally suspected, and she'll use any advantage to protect her man as Guardian scrambles to find the killer.

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