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The Girl on the Midway Stage

par DeAnna Cameron

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What happens to a nice Victorian girl when she meets the Egyptian belly dancers -- and their enigmatic manager? Follow Dora's scandalous adventure at the 1893 Chicago World's Fair...Young bride Dora Chambers can't wait to begin her new life in Chicago. It's an exciting time, with the 1893 World's Fair putting a kaleidoscope of new inventions, new cultures, and new ideas on display.Unfortunately, those aren't the only things on display.The Egyptian belly dancers' performances are stirring up a scandal, and the distasteful task of enforcing proper conduct on them has fallen to Dora as part of her initiation into the Fair's prestigious Board of Lady Managers. But Dora's sensibilities are not so easily flustered by the dancers. She finds herself captivated by these exotic women, and by their enigmatic manager, Hossam Farouk, who makes his mistrust of her known - although his lingering glances hint at something else. As Dora's eyes are opened to the world beyond her own, she finds the courage to break free of social expectations and self-imposed bondage, and discovers the truth about the desire and passion in her heart.THE GIRL ON THE MIDWAY STAGE is a lush historical novel rich with authentic period detail, discovery, and romance that will sweep you up in Dora's struggle to understand herself, her quickly changing world, and her own unique journey to happiness.… (plus d'informations)

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I read this under the title 'The Belly Dancer' digitally and there were formatting problems as well as lost pages at the end of several chapters, which was very annoying. Dora has been transplanted from New Orleans, the daughter of a hotelier, after she marries a banker from Chicago. Her husband is a world class jerk and she strives to please him, to become the perfect wife and is doomed to failure. She joins the 'Lady Managers' and assists them with the World Fair making sure the Egyptian Theater changes their act to be less indecent. Dora seeks out the belly dancers in an effort to regain her husbands affections after discovering him with another woman, only to end up sleeping with Hossam. I don't care for adultery in my love stories by my lead couple and how certain things unfold just didn't seem realistic. Very disappointed.
( )
  wyldheartreads | Jun 20, 2019 |
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What happens to a nice Victorian girl when she meets the Egyptian belly dancers -- and their enigmatic manager? Follow Dora's scandalous adventure at the 1893 Chicago World's Fair...Young bride Dora Chambers can't wait to begin her new life in Chicago. It's an exciting time, with the 1893 World's Fair putting a kaleidoscope of new inventions, new cultures, and new ideas on display.Unfortunately, those aren't the only things on display.The Egyptian belly dancers' performances are stirring up a scandal, and the distasteful task of enforcing proper conduct on them has fallen to Dora as part of her initiation into the Fair's prestigious Board of Lady Managers. But Dora's sensibilities are not so easily flustered by the dancers. She finds herself captivated by these exotic women, and by their enigmatic manager, Hossam Farouk, who makes his mistrust of her known - although his lingering glances hint at something else. As Dora's eyes are opened to the world beyond her own, she finds the courage to break free of social expectations and self-imposed bondage, and discovers the truth about the desire and passion in her heart.THE GIRL ON THE MIDWAY STAGE is a lush historical novel rich with authentic period detail, discovery, and romance that will sweep you up in Dora's struggle to understand herself, her quickly changing world, and her own unique journey to happiness.

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DeAnna Cameron est un auteur LibraryThing, c'est-à-dire un auteur qui catalogue sa bibliothèque personnelle sur LibraryThing.

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