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par Conor Kostick

Séries: Avatar Chronicles (2)

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22217126,098 (3.67)2
On Saga, a world based on a video role-playing game, fifteen-year-old Ghost lives to break rules, but the Dark Queen who controls Saga plans to enslave its people and those of New Earth, and Ghost and her airboarding friends, along with Erik and his friends from Epic, try to stop her.

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Saga is set in a recoded game of Epic. Saga is a dystopian, cyberpunk-ish city ruled by a Dark Queen. But one character is still left over from Epic. Cindella.

This book was such a let-down. You had a great book in Epic, then this.. Cindella is barely in this book. It focuses mostly on a mysterious girl called Ghost. She and her punk friends fight the system by tagging and looting. :0/ The Dark Queen hooks up Erik's world to Saga and drugs them to become addicted to it. It makes no sense, but whatever. Hopefully the last book isn't such a let-down. ( )
  lesindy | Nov 10, 2022 |
In the virtual world of Saga, Ghost is a fifteen-year-old airboarding anarcho-punk, with no past, no memories, only a growing realization of her own strange abilities. But who is she really and why is she becoming embroiled in a battle with the warped leader of Saga -- the Dark Queen? How have Erik and Cinderella Dragonslayer fared since their adventures in Epic?

FROM AMAZON: The breathtaking sequel to the multistarred Epic!
Ghost is part of a street hacker airboard gang who lives to break rules. When they realize that their world—Saga—is being periodically invaded by strange human beings, they don’t know what to do. That is, until they learn the complicated truth: Saga is not just their world. It is a sentient computer game, the replacement to Epic on New Earth, and it’s addictive. The Dark Queen who controls Saga is trying to enslave both its people and the people of New Earth. And she’ll succeed unless Ghost and her friends—and Erik, from Epic, and his friends—figure out what to do.
  Gmomaj | Dec 9, 2019 |
so it bored me and took me forever to read. i only finished reading it cuz the characters ghost and crew were kinda interesting and i wanted to see what happened to them but i dunno something was lacking for me in this one. ( )
  kdf_333 | Jan 17, 2016 |
so it bored me and took me forever to read. i only finished reading it cuz the characters ghost and crew were kinda interesting and i wanted to see what happened to them but i dunno something was lacking for me in this one. ( )
  kdf_333 | Jan 16, 2016 |
so it bored me and took me forever to read. i only finished reading it cuz the characters ghost and crew were kinda interesting and i wanted to see what happened to them but i dunno something was lacking for me in this one. ( )
  kdf_333 | Jan 16, 2016 |
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On Saga, a world based on a video role-playing game, fifteen-year-old Ghost lives to break rules, but the Dark Queen who controls Saga plans to enslave its people and those of New Earth, and Ghost and her airboarding friends, along with Erik and his friends from Epic, try to stop her.

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Moyenne: (3.67)
2 4
3 14
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4 17
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5 8

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