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The Summer We Danced

par Fiona Harper

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'Sweet and romantic, a story guaranteed to have you smiling' - Milly Johnson Shall we dance? After a humiliating divorce and watching her former rock star husband leave her for a model live on reality TV, Pippa is determined to disappear. So she returns to the small Kent village where she grew up to make a fresh start. Little did she know that would mean saving her beloved childhood dance school or falling for her old school crush Tom too!… (plus d'informations)

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I love books set in villages, this is set in a village so hit the mark. There is dancing, romance and laughter. Makes one want to take up dancing ( )
  TheReadingShed01 | Feb 25, 2023 |
This is a sweet contemporary romance/women's fiction novel. The setting is a Kent village, where newly-divorced Pippa has come back to start a new life in her old hometown. She decides to take up dancing to shed the 30 pounds she's added since her husband left her (on reality TV no less) and she finds new and old friends there, including Tom, her high-school crush. Tom is also newly divorced and learning how to be a full-time father to his young daughter.

The novel is primarily about Pippa's journey, but the slow-burn romance is very satisfying, and the secondary characters, especially Miss Mimi who runs the dance studio, are enjoyable. The plot involves saving the studio by putting on a show, and it progresses pretty much as you'd expect. But I like Harper's writing and she has a way with this particular genre hybrid. The ending is more pat than it needs to be, but overall it's a satisfying read. ( )
  Sunita_p | Jul 20, 2017 |
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'Sweet and romantic, a story guaranteed to have you smiling' - Milly Johnson Shall we dance? After a humiliating divorce and watching her former rock star husband leave her for a model live on reality TV, Pippa is determined to disappear. So she returns to the small Kent village where she grew up to make a fresh start. Little did she know that would mean saving her beloved childhood dance school or falling for her old school crush Tom too!

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