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Forgetting August

par J. L. Berg

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She can forgive, but can she forget? Some days, Everly still thinks she sees him. In the food court at the mall, or in a car speeding past as the light changes. It only lasts a second, but when it happens, she slips back to a time when she was ruled-and nearly ruined-by August Kincaid. And it doesn't matter that she's moved on, that she's about to marry another man. In those moments the only thing she can do to regain control is take a deep breath and remind herself that August can't hurt her-because he's in a coma. Except that he's not anymore. August is awake. With no memories, he sets out to solve the mystery of his lost life. He unearths a photograph of a beautiful redhead named Everly and knows instinctively that she's the key. But when he finds her, the August she describes is more monster than man. Tortured by the thought of having hurt her, August wants only to become the man Everly deserves. As the new August emerges, Everly glimpses the person she first fell in love with. But can she trust that this August is real? When the final secret of their shared past is revealed, one of them will make a choice that changes their future forever . . .… (plus d'informations)

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3.5 Stars

I love a good contemporary. This one hits on some pretty intense issues which I loved. I was not expecting everything that happened between August and Everly from the start.

This does touch the topic around domestic violence and emotional abuse. I really shows the side of DV that is not as prevalent since it did not focus as much on physical abuse but more so emotional/psychological. It also hits on one characters eating disorder. These small sections could also be a trigger for someone.

This does leave off with a cliff hanger, so I am happy to have book two ready to go. Overall, I enjoyed this one. ( )
  SimplyKelina | Jan 18, 2021 |
I cannot wait until March for the book, I just can't!

Everly has done all she can in the last two years to forget August, to forget the terror, the confinement, and even the love. With her wedding planning to Ryan going full swing, the last thing Everly expected when she answered the phone was to find out he was awake. Two years, August is awake after two years in a coma, but he remembers nothing, his previous past is just the few items he had with him at the hospital. There's a photo, of a beautiful red-head, and he knows she holds the key to his past. After finding out the monster of a man he used to be, he knows he has to do everything in his power to be a new August, deserving of Everly's love. Everly doesn't know how to feel about August being away, part of her screams to stay hiding away in her happy life with Ryan, the other half wants to see who this new August could be. Having his life back may come at a price however and once the secrets come out, one of them has to make a choice about a future.

I just want to wrap Everly and August up in a bubble and not let the real world get near them. Their romance and chemistry is so strong, but the past is so darn haunting. I loved the characters of August and Everly, J.L. Berg did an excellent job of writing compelling characters with pasts that continue to effect their daily life. I love when a writer uses the past to make a character this way. They were so complex, with several layers defining who they were. I didn't expect to find myself rooting for them, especially with how amazing Ryan seemed to be as a man for Everly, I just was drawn to the second chance at romance with August. It was incredibly interesting to read the who he used to be, who he became, and how he was trying to find a new him without memories. It was a really unique take on the amnesia story line and once I started getting glimpses at the past, I was so intrigued.

The minor characters are just as complex as the main characters, I was really impressed with how much detail Berg gave about the friends, the coworkers, and those passing through day to day. It gave a lot of depth to the book and allowed me to envision each scene. The setting of San Francisco was perfect to, as a California native it was really easy to imagine the characters in the different areas of town. J.L. Berg has a beautiful art to her descriptions, something I appreciate, especially when I can physically see the dresses as Everly tries them on and see the curling, long hair on August when he awakes. There are some really well-written interactions between characters as well, from witty banter to really-hot smut scenes.

While this book does end in a cliffhanger, it doesn't make me want to run away and not finish the series, if anything, I want book two right now. There are a lot of questions presented through the first half of Forgetting August, several answered in the second half, and more questions presented right at the end as well. We don't know how our characters are right now, it's like being stuck on a roller coaster at the top waiting for it to go down. There is a lot of suspense to this book, far more than I expected. While we end with a huge reveal (I MEAN FREAKING HUGE), there are a lot of things that leave you questioning everything. On top of that, there are a lot of answers that could have a lot more detail, something I think we'll see in book two. It's definitely a dual POV book that both gives and takes from the readers.

I can tell you this, I had no clue what was coming and I still don't. I definitely adored the characters, the writing, and I am looking forward to book two. I really suggest this for all my New Adult readers; it's not cliche, it definitely bends the mold we've grown used to, and will totally take your attention away from anything else. ( )
  CarleneInspired | Jun 14, 2019 |
I loved the story, though I could have done without all of the back and forth every time things got rough. I wasn't thrilled with the ending, but I understand it all. I can't wait to get my hands on the next book! ( )
  chaoticbooklover | Dec 26, 2018 |
I am not sure where I should go with this review. My feelings are all over the place. Characters I should have despised, I found myself liking. Characters I should have liked, I found myself turning my nose up at them. This happens to me from time to time. I have the opposite feelings about things than everyone else.

So, in reality, I should have despised August. I should have been team Everly, I think. However, no matter what bad things he had done to her in the past, I couldn't help but to like August. Past August didn't play much of a part in this book, so it was hard to look at him as the bad guy.

Then I have Everly. I didn't like her. Not. At. All. None. Zip. I couldn't stand her. She is a whiny, immature person. Her flip-flopping made me dizzy. If it were possible to slap her silly, I would have. Maybe a few times just because.

I devoured this book. It definitely is an emotional ride from start to finish. I felt an array of emotions throughtout the entire story. Between the circumstances and the background, I found myself hoping for things I probably should not have hoped for. What were my hopes? Everly left alone without either guy. No matter what, I just didn't think she deserved a happy ever after with anyone but herself.

That ending! Hehe. I will be honest. I saw it coming from the beginning. Sorry. I wasn't all that shocked with it. It is a cliffy... and you all know I love cliffies! I may have seen it coming, but it sure made me want the second book sooner rather than later. That I can promise you. Bring on Remembering Everly. I have a feeling she isn't as innocent in their past relationship as she makes herself out to be! ( )
  AmberGoleb | Mar 13, 2018 |
Stunned, shocked, and wondering what the heck did I just read and we dont get the answers to what we just read until June 2016... Your emotions are all over the place during this book. Not in a weapy way but sorrow, mad, anguish, short lived happiness, pity, spellbound, tense and many more.

The blurb does a fantastic job of sucking you in to wanting to read this plus I think it pretty much tells you want you need to know as far as a review – anything else would be spoilery.

I was enamored from beginning to end and wish there wasnt such a long wait for the conclusion but I dont regret reading it even knowing there would be a cliffy. ( )
  CindySnS | Oct 26, 2016 |
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She can forgive, but can she forget? Some days, Everly still thinks she sees him. In the food court at the mall, or in a car speeding past as the light changes. It only lasts a second, but when it happens, she slips back to a time when she was ruled-and nearly ruined-by August Kincaid. And it doesn't matter that she's moved on, that she's about to marry another man. In those moments the only thing she can do to regain control is take a deep breath and remind herself that August can't hurt her-because he's in a coma. Except that he's not anymore. August is awake. With no memories, he sets out to solve the mystery of his lost life. He unearths a photograph of a beautiful redhead named Everly and knows instinctively that she's the key. But when he finds her, the August she describes is more monster than man. Tortured by the thought of having hurt her, August wants only to become the man Everly deserves. As the new August emerges, Everly glimpses the person she first fell in love with. But can she trust that this August is real? When the final secret of their shared past is revealed, one of them will make a choice that changes their future forever . . .

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