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How to Capture a Duke

par Bianca Blythe

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One reclusive bluestocking... Fiona Amberly is more intrigued by the Roman ruins near her manor house than she is by balls. When her dying Grandmother worries about Fiona's future, Fiona stammers that she's secretly engaged. Soon she finds herself promising that she will introduce her husband-to-be by Christmas. One dutiful duke...Percival Carmichael, new Duke of Alfriston, is in a hurry. He's off to propose to London's most eligible debutante. After nearly dying at Waterloo, he's vowed to spend the rest of his life living up to the ton's expectations. One fallen tree...When Fiona tries to warn a passing coach about a tree in the road, the driver mistakes her for a highwaywoman. Evidently he's not used to seeing women attired in clothes only suitable for archaeology waving knives. After the driver flees, Fiona decides she may as well borrow the handsome passenger...… (plus d'informations)

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This was funny. I liked Fiona and Percival and their interactions with each other were amusing. I would've liked to see more detail regarding Fiona's archaeology hobby. It's discussed but not with any detail - I would've liked to see her out there excavating and that. The romance between Fiona and Percival is amusing although Percival had me shaking my head a lot. It dragged a bit towards the end and overall just wasn't as fleshed out as it could be. Still I liked reading it and it made me laugh. Solid three stars. ( )
  funstm | Dec 1, 2022 |
I adored this! Laughed out loud several times, and teared up too. Wonderful, unique protagonists and a fun plot driving along the romance. Managed to convince me of their chemistry even just in the course of three days! I am a bit intrigued by Madeline’s redemption - she really was such a bitch to Fiona that I have a hard time seeing her as a heroine, but I see that she has a book in the series, and with Percival’s brother, too. I might end up reading that despite it not being a favored trope tale. ( )
  Rhiannon.Mistwalker | Aug 19, 2022 |
4.5 stars. I really enjoyed the story, thought it was well done.

Fiona is a fiery redhead who is somewhat unorthodox. Surrounded by family who doesn't understand her, she clings to her ailing grandmother for the support she needs. But she's told a big fib. To avoid going into society, she's told her grandmother she is engaged to a Captain fighting the Napoleanic wars. But now the war is over.

Percival has returned from the war minus one leg, lost when his cousin, the duke took a blade intended for Percival. As heir to the dukedom, he is determined to live his cousin's life for him, until he happens across a woman wielding a knife that his driver mistakes for a highwayman - or highwaywoman.

The conflict holds through most of the book until the duke decides he's gonna do what he's gonna do (very un-dukelike after presenting himself as duty bound), but if he didn't we wouldn't have much of a story! I picked up this book because she compared herself to Tessa Dare, and Ms. Dare did a similar book that I very much enjoyed. The similarities are there, and I would agree that fans of Ms. Dare would enjoy this. I think the one thing that didn't work for me was the "intimate" scenes. They were distracting and unnecessary, and the terms used jarred a little.

All in all, a fun read. ( )
  Karla.Brandenburg | Dec 12, 2017 |
Cette critique a été rédigée pour LibraryThing Member Giveaways.
There were a few awkward scenes, but overall it was a really fun read! I must say that Fiona is a wonderfully entertaining main character. I will keep an eye out for more from this author! ( )
  madamediotte | Aug 25, 2016 |
How to Capture a Duke is such a heartwarming but is also a comedy of error from the very beginning.
Fiona Amberly lost her parents at a young age in a nasty carriage accident and she was raised by her grandmother. But Fiona has no love for everything social, and she has thrown herself into history and archeology. That is until she tries to stop a carriage from hitting a tree and is mistaken as a highway woman. But the plot gets even more twisted when the man she rescues helps her to fool her family...that is until she is arrested.
Perceval Carmichael was never meant to become the Duke of Alfriston; but after his cousin dies he finds himself in that predicament. While on his was to meet a women that his aunt deems as appropriate, he is stopped by a highway women, kidnapped and plays a love interest for Fiona. But soon feelings do develop and Fiona and Percival are happy…but then his brother arrives and all the secrets comes to light. Now they are both trapped with a future that neither one of them wants…will they find their way back to each other, or has that ship sailed.
Now, I am not one for romantic comedies, but I don't think I have laughed so hard, as I did with this book. Everything was truly perfect, from the writing to the plot and the characters, but I will admit, I did find Arthur so very annoying and a few times I really wanted to gag him, but he truly did bring most of the calamities to the book.
The writing, plot and characters were smooth, detailed and lovable, I honestly don't think I have ever read a story quite like this and certainly not with this storyline and I truly loved it. Now, I will be truly honest I am not a romantic comedy reader, I find them cringe worthy and it put me off…BUT not with this book, THIS book with a joy to read, with no cringe worthy moments or me yelling at the book "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!". It was everything that a romantic comedy should be.
I give How to Capture a Duke 4 stars.
( )
  Cara_Ross | Aug 16, 2016 |
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One reclusive bluestocking... Fiona Amberly is more intrigued by the Roman ruins near her manor house than she is by balls. When her dying Grandmother worries about Fiona's future, Fiona stammers that she's secretly engaged. Soon she finds herself promising that she will introduce her husband-to-be by Christmas. One dutiful duke...Percival Carmichael, new Duke of Alfriston, is in a hurry. He's off to propose to London's most eligible debutante. After nearly dying at Waterloo, he's vowed to spend the rest of his life living up to the ton's expectations. One fallen tree...When Fiona tries to warn a passing coach about a tree in the road, the driver mistakes her for a highwaywoman. Evidently he's not used to seeing women attired in clothes only suitable for archaeology waving knives. After the driver flees, Fiona decides she may as well borrow the handsome passenger...

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