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Running Wilde (Wilde Security, #4)

par Tonya Burrows

Séries: Wilde Security (4)

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All's fair in lust and seduction... Lark Warren can never stay one person for too long, so when her past starts to catch up to her, she hops the first bus out of DC, steals a new name, and goes deep into hiding in New Orleans. Unfortunately, all it takes is the wrong set of eyes to blow her cover. Enter Vaughn-the man she once let get too close to her real self. Ex-Navy SEAL Vaughn Wilde has one objective: drive Lark back to DC to face charges for identity theft-which would be easier if he could forget the three lust-filled weeks he shared with her before she disappeared. With each passing mile, he can't ignore the heat still sparking between them... or the fact he has led her enemies right to her. Lark can't stay with Vaughn, not when it will put him in the crosshairs of the dangerous man she's spent the last five years running from. But Vaughn is determined to keep her safe-even if it means she'll run off with his heart all over again. Contains mature themes.… (plus d'informations)

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This story is full of mystery, danger and surprises but there are also some funny moments. It is well written, holds the reader's attention and flows very nicely. Both Vaughn and Lark are determined and stubborn which leads to much conflict and great banter. I am really enjoying this series and can't wait to finally find out where the mysterious Greer has been hiding.

ARC received from Entangled Publishing in exchange for an honest review. ( )
  blsfan68 | Dec 23, 2015 |
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All's fair in lust and seduction... Lark Warren can never stay one person for too long, so when her past starts to catch up to her, she hops the first bus out of DC, steals a new name, and goes deep into hiding in New Orleans. Unfortunately, all it takes is the wrong set of eyes to blow her cover. Enter Vaughn-the man she once let get too close to her real self. Ex-Navy SEAL Vaughn Wilde has one objective: drive Lark back to DC to face charges for identity theft-which would be easier if he could forget the three lust-filled weeks he shared with her before she disappeared. With each passing mile, he can't ignore the heat still sparking between them... or the fact he has led her enemies right to her. Lark can't stay with Vaughn, not when it will put him in the crosshairs of the dangerous man she's spent the last five years running from. But Vaughn is determined to keep her safe-even if it means she'll run off with his heart all over again. Contains mature themes.

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