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A Thousand Shall Fall: A Civil War Novel (Shenandoah Valley Saga)

par Andrea Boeshaar

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Nineteen-year-old Carrie Ann Bell is independent and spirited. The only thing she really fears are the Union soldiers fighting against her Confederate friends. When her youngest sister runs away from home, brave Carrie Ann is determined to find her and bring her back. Disguised as a soldier, she sets off - only to find she's fallen into the hands of the enemy. Her childhood friend Confederate Major Joshua Blevins has warned her against these Yankees: they're all devils, ready to inflict evil on unsuspecting young women. When Colonel Peyton Collier arrests her for her impersonation of an officer, it seems to confirm all her fears. Soon, though, she finds herself drawn to the handsome, gallant colonel. He rescued her, protected her, and has been every inch the gentleman. Carrie Ann discovers that her foe has become her ally - and more than that, someone she could love. But the arrival of Joshua in the Union camp as a spy will test her loyalties. Will she protect someone who has been like family or be loyal to this stranger to whom she wants to offer her heart? When her world is being torn apart around her, whom should she trust? Set against the backdrop of the American Civil War, A Thousand Shall Fall is framed around compelling characters and a very romantic setting in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley. Andrea Boeshaar's extensive research guarantees historical accuracy and romance genre enthusiasts and Civil War buffs alike will enjoy the Christian perspectives on actual historical events.… (plus d'informations)

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I found A Thousand Shall Fall to be well written and researched. Since I am drawn to history, I'll admit that I thoroughly enjoyed this book. The characters are well developed, and I found myself cheering on Colonel Peyton Collier and Carrie Ann Bell. Add in the fact that this is set during the Civil War (and we have attended several re-enactments), was even more captivating for me. I think my almost-sixteen year old history-buff son might even enjoy it. I'll be eagerly awaiting book two of the Shenandoah Valley Saga. ( )
  WendyKA | Jul 12, 2020 |
This is a wonderful civil war era novel. This is the first book in the Shenandoah Valley Saga. Carrie Ann Bell needs to search for her runaway sister and ends up in the middle of a battle. She is saved by Colonel Peyton Collier. This book made me laugh and cry. I needed to learn all I could about Carrie Ann and Peyton. This shows what it was like to be near a battle. I received this book from for a fair and honest opinion that I gave of my own free will. ( )
  Virginia51 | May 12, 2017 |
Instead of “good to the last drop” like some coffees, this book was good to the last word! This is incredible historical romance! The author did such an astonishing job of incorporating Civil War history into her novel that you didn’t even realize you were being entertained and getting a history lesson too! I have learned many things I did not know in Civil War novels I have read and this one added a whole boatload more!
Merely 19 years old, Carrie Ann Bell found herself in the middle of the war, with her father gone, working at a horrid job to help support her mother (who for some reason despises her), and a two sisters, yet never forgetting her dream of becoming a journalist. When her younger sister runs off with a peddler, it is up to her to try to find her and bring her home. Her confederate friends have told her about the wicked Yankees. This does not deter her in the least. She comes up with a plan to disguise herself as a Union soldier, walk through the enemy territory where there is active battle ensuing and into the area she thinks her sister has gone. Carrie Ann has no doubt it will go off without a hitch, but it doesn’t. She is captured by the Union army and taken to their camp.
There she meets the handsome, military hero, Colonel Peyton Collier. He becomes her friend and protector. She finds that the Yankees are not the demons she has heard about, but good, brave men. She begins to help at their make shift hospital caring for the many wounded. To protect her and enable her to continue to search for her sister, he moves her to live with his widowed aunt as a companion. She learns those she thought were enemies were her friends and that friends from her past may very well be her enemies.
I love Carrie’s courage and tenacity in dealing with whatever was thrown at her. I attributed to the strength of youth but also her outstanding character. The story is filled with faith, humor, romance, suspense, and surprises. The practice of Civil War medicine was an exhausting gruesome job. Not only with the sheer numbers of severely injured men but also the lack of supplies and proper conditions in which to care for them. The author brings this to life vividly. It was a war not where the soldiers went off and fought, but it was staged right where people lived. Who could you trust? What would happen next in your city or home? Would you or someone you loved become a fatality of the war? These questions and more haunted every American during this time. Through this novel I experienced the tension, hardship, insecurity, and uncertainty of this horrendous time. I applaud you Ms. Boeshaar a job well done and anxiously await your next book!
I received a copy of this book free from Kregel Publications in exchange for an honest review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. ( )
  Mizroady | Jan 8, 2016 |
A Thousand Shall Fall by Andrea Boeshaar is set in the Shenandoah Valley during the Civil War era and is book one of the Shenandoah Valley Saga. Ms. Boeshaaar did a wonderful job in researching details from the era and with that wove a historically rich, captivating, clean historical romance.

A Thousand Shall Fall is an engaging tale that will captivate your imagination and senses with a story that jumps off the pages and comes to life.
I found this book to be a definite pleasure to read. I can't wait to read book 2 ~ Too Deep For Words ~ being released in November 2016!

Thank you to Kregel Publications for the opportunity of receiving a free book in exchange for an honest review. ( )
  mrsrenee | Jan 8, 2016 |
Thursday, January 7, 2016
A Thousand Shall Fall: A Civil War Novel by Andrea Boeshaar, © 2015
Shenandoah Valley Saga, Book One

Virginia's Shenandoah Valley, 1864
Carrie Ann Bell has a deeper adventure ahead of her as she goes after her younger sister, Sarah Jane. Mama has said not to come home without her. In the midst of the battle, how is she to go across the lines? Determined, she dresses as a soldier beneath a dress, going into the woods beyond the town.

Full of American Civil War research, these characters bloom amid hardship and turmoil. Peyton Collier on one side and Carrie Ann's childhood friend, Joshua Blevens on the other, she must decide where her alliance will lie. With her new supportive protector or the neighbor from back home ~ either decision will have lasting results detrimental to each side.

A strong point was the developing character of Peyton Collier whom Carrie Ann had met previously. In their comical re-meeting, Peyton helps Carrie out of a fix. Amid war, there wasn't much of a chance for them to converse except haltingly. Sending her to his Aunt Ruth was an aid to all of them. The side characters add to the story. I liked the spunk of Aunt Ruth's housekeeper and life-long friend, Tabitha.

It is true about being careful whose company you keep, as Joshua found out was not beneficial to him. I rooted for him to make a turnaround. A short time period seems like an eternity with lack of sleep and quick-on-your-feet decisions.

***Thank you to Kregel Publications for sending me a review copy and inviting me to be part of the blog tour for A Thousand Shall Fall: A Civil War Novel by Andrea Boeshaar. This review was written in my own words. No other compensation was received.***

Book Two, Too Deep for Words, releases in November 2016 ( )
  lanehillhouse | Jan 8, 2016 |
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Nineteen-year-old Carrie Ann Bell is independent and spirited. The only thing she really fears are the Union soldiers fighting against her Confederate friends. When her youngest sister runs away from home, brave Carrie Ann is determined to find her and bring her back. Disguised as a soldier, she sets off - only to find she's fallen into the hands of the enemy. Her childhood friend Confederate Major Joshua Blevins has warned her against these Yankees: they're all devils, ready to inflict evil on unsuspecting young women. When Colonel Peyton Collier arrests her for her impersonation of an officer, it seems to confirm all her fears. Soon, though, she finds herself drawn to the handsome, gallant colonel. He rescued her, protected her, and has been every inch the gentleman. Carrie Ann discovers that her foe has become her ally - and more than that, someone she could love. But the arrival of Joshua in the Union camp as a spy will test her loyalties. Will she protect someone who has been like family or be loyal to this stranger to whom she wants to offer her heart? When her world is being torn apart around her, whom should she trust? Set against the backdrop of the American Civil War, A Thousand Shall Fall is framed around compelling characters and a very romantic setting in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley. Andrea Boeshaar's extensive research guarantees historical accuracy and romance genre enthusiasts and Civil War buffs alike will enjoy the Christian perspectives on actual historical events.

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