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Big Bad Bear

par Terry Bolryder

Séries: Soldier Bears (1)

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In the mountains above Bearstone Village, a legend has found his mate. His name is Zeus, and for years he brought the thunder as an elite special forces squad leader and undercover bear shifter. Now that he's out of the service and living quietly in the woods above a remote mountain town, he has just one mission left. Win over the heart of the curvy waitress that his bear knows is his mate. Too bad Zeus knows more about combat than dating, and he hasn't yet managed to ask her out. Carly is just trying to make the best of things. Bad luck in love and in life has landed her in Bearstone Village, stuck with debts from a former relationship and making her way as a waitress. She enjoys the rare moments when she sees Zeus Wilson, a sexy recluse who comes down from the mountain sometimes to drink at the bar and fix Carly with a heated gaze in his sparkling blue eyes. Even if it seems like he's never going to make a move. But when a local motorcycle gang threatens Carly, Zeus is forced to intervene and take her back to his cabin where he can keep her safe. With the beautiful mountains around them, it's not long before sparks are flying between the bear and his sexy mate. But Zeus is afraid to tell Carly the truth about what he is, and the men who want to take her are quickly catching up. But he isn't called Zeus for nothing, and if anyone threatens his mate, this big bad bear is fully capable of striking them down.… (plus d'informations)

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Zeus is a big burly bear shifter and a seriously badass special forces dude. When his bear recognizes waitress Carly as his mate, for once in his life he’s lost as to how to proceed winning her hand and her heart. Luckily, in Bearstone Village there’s a threat in the form of a jackass motorcycle gang and when Carly witnesses some of their shenanigans it gives Zeus the opening he needs to protect Carly from them. Ok, maybe that’s not as fortunate as it sounds, but really it is. You’ll see.

Warning: This story is unbelievably repetitive. The same descriptions and same sentences over and over again. Seriously. I got it. They have the hots for each other. It’s insta-lust. The love I don’t believe, but whatever. Flesh out more to the story instead of saying the same thing on practically every page.

I’m not a fan of Carly, but I do love Zeus. The sex scenes are decent, but there is little depth to the characters. I’m disappointed since I loved Double Dragons. I may or may not try out the next book in this series. ( )
  AVoraciousReader | Aug 25, 2016 |
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In the mountains above Bearstone Village, a legend has found his mate. His name is Zeus, and for years he brought the thunder as an elite special forces squad leader and undercover bear shifter. Now that he's out of the service and living quietly in the woods above a remote mountain town, he has just one mission left. Win over the heart of the curvy waitress that his bear knows is his mate. Too bad Zeus knows more about combat than dating, and he hasn't yet managed to ask her out. Carly is just trying to make the best of things. Bad luck in love and in life has landed her in Bearstone Village, stuck with debts from a former relationship and making her way as a waitress. She enjoys the rare moments when she sees Zeus Wilson, a sexy recluse who comes down from the mountain sometimes to drink at the bar and fix Carly with a heated gaze in his sparkling blue eyes. Even if it seems like he's never going to make a move. But when a local motorcycle gang threatens Carly, Zeus is forced to intervene and take her back to his cabin where he can keep her safe. With the beautiful mountains around them, it's not long before sparks are flying between the bear and his sexy mate. But Zeus is afraid to tell Carly the truth about what he is, and the men who want to take her are quickly catching up. But he isn't called Zeus for nothing, and if anyone threatens his mate, this big bad bear is fully capable of striking them down.

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