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"When a fairy named Apple Blossom is found dead in a fountain, Ren Faire lover Jessie Morton makes a wish she lives to regret--that her husband, Chase Manhattan, is no longer the Renaissance Faire Village Bailiff so he doesn't have to look for the fairy's killer and ruin their plans to go away for their first wedding anniversary. Trapped in a timeless "It's a Wonderful Life" experience, Jessie is transported to a different Village to face the consequences of her wish where Chase isn't the Bailiff, and he's not married to her. Jessie's fairy godmother who granted the wish tells her that she must find a way to make Chase fall in love with her again, and they must discover who killed Apple Blossom, if she ever wants to go back to the life she knew." --… (plus d'informations)

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I’m sure you noticed, but just a warning, this is the 8th book in the series and there may be spoilers.

I’ve not read the other books in this series myself. I’m slowly working through all of these authors books and this is one I haven’t started yet. I couldn’t resist reading this one though.

Imagine going to bed happily married to the man of your dreams and living the life you always wanted. Then you wake up with the wrong man in your bed and nobody remembers your life. It’s all topsy turvy wrong.

That’s what happened to Jessie Morton. One stupid wish in the heat of the moment blew up her happy world and landed her in a mess.

All she wanted was to celebrate the first anniversary of her marriage to Chase Manhattan. But he’s the Renaissance Faire Village Bailiff and when a fairy is murdered she doesn’t want him on the case. A wish that he was no longer bailiff so they can sneak away changed everything.

The fun begins when Jessie must get Chase on the murder case so he can solve the murder. Then things will go back to the way they were and she can have her Happily Ever After.

Shouldn’t be too tough. But that’s an understatement.

To set the record straight, the murdered fairy was really a person in costume. I got a big surprise when it was revealed their were real fairies, witches, and even fairy godmothers in the village. How cool is that?

After some initial confusion while I acquainted myself with this world and the characters, I settled in for a fun mystery and some laughs.

I just knew it wouldn’t be as easy as Jessie thought it would be and the fun was watching her scramble to get people to help her, to convince them she wasn’t crazy, and to solve the murder.

You can read this and enjoy it without having read the other books in the series, but if you’re like me, you’ll want to know how it all began. I plan to go back to the beginning and find out. ( )
  laura-thomas | Feb 1, 2016 |
Authors Joyce & Jim Lavene have a wonderful way of making a story come to life. In this latest installment of the Renaissance Faire Mystery series I could hear the sounds, smells the scents of enticing food, and see every detail as described. It was just like I was standing in the center of it all.

Magic has been doing all sorts of things at the Ren Faire in the past installments. But this time, everyone’s lives are changed. FATAL FAIRIES was such a fun ride. Leave it to these authors to come up with such an out of the box story for a cozy. 

I really did enjoy this story so much. It’s the perfect addition to an already fantastic series. Filled with fun, mystery, and action, you’ll find yourself engrossed in this book that you’ll be surprised when the ending sneaks up on you like it did me. And what an ending it was!

I’m really looking forward to my next trip to the Renaissance Faire, but only with the Lavenes as my tour guides. ( )
  LisaKsBookReviews | Jul 13, 2015 |
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Joyce Laveneauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Lavene, Jimauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé

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"When a fairy named Apple Blossom is found dead in a fountain, Ren Faire lover Jessie Morton makes a wish she lives to regret--that her husband, Chase Manhattan, is no longer the Renaissance Faire Village Bailiff so he doesn't have to look for the fairy's killer and ruin their plans to go away for their first wedding anniversary. Trapped in a timeless "It's a Wonderful Life" experience, Jessie is transported to a different Village to face the consequences of her wish where Chase isn't the Bailiff, and he's not married to her. Jessie's fairy godmother who granted the wish tells her that she must find a way to make Chase fall in love with her again, and they must discover who killed Apple Blossom, if she ever wants to go back to the life she knew." --

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