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Making Life Work: Putting God's Wisdom into Action

par Bill Hybels, Bill Hybels

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The world overflows with information, data and knowledge. But you find precious little wisdom.Wisdom is what you desperately need when faced with a challenge at work, a problem at home, a conflict with friends or a crisis within yourself.What factors are critical to achieving your life goals?How can you get a friendship back on track?Why is it so hard to trust God in problem situations?How can you make a difference in the marketplace?How should you respond to someone who is angry with you?What is the surprising result of helping others?How can you establish a sound financial foundation?To answer questions like these, you want wisdom--sound advice from someone you respect, someone who knows how to succeed and how to deal with failure, someone who sees clearly the consequences of different courses of action. That's what pastor Bill Hybels has found in the book of Proverbs, and that's what he offers to his congregation and now to you. Here is advice that has been tested for centuries and found true about how to put God's wisdom into action in your life.If you feel that there's nothing so rare as common sense, this book is for you!… (plus d'informations)

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Bill Hybelsauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Hybels, Billauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
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The world overflows with information, data and knowledge. But you find precious little wisdom.Wisdom is what you desperately need when faced with a challenge at work, a problem at home, a conflict with friends or a crisis within yourself.What factors are critical to achieving your life goals?How can you get a friendship back on track?Why is it so hard to trust God in problem situations?How can you make a difference in the marketplace?How should you respond to someone who is angry with you?What is the surprising result of helping others?How can you establish a sound financial foundation?To answer questions like these, you want wisdom--sound advice from someone you respect, someone who knows how to succeed and how to deal with failure, someone who sees clearly the consequences of different courses of action. That's what pastor Bill Hybels has found in the book of Proverbs, and that's what he offers to his congregation and now to you. Here is advice that has been tested for centuries and found true about how to put God's wisdom into action in your life.If you feel that there's nothing so rare as common sense, this book is for you!

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