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The Dream Walker Returns: Land Of Mystica Series Volume Two (Volume 2)

par Michelle Murray

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The Darkness has waited a long time to return to Mystica. Now with the help of the wizard Shadow it has found a way. It will stop at nothing and no one to darken out all of Mystica. Miranda has been called to Mystica to help fight the Darkness. She has been training with a fellow magic user, Brian. Brian follows her to Mystica. Does he mean help or harm? Can Miranda stop the Darkness and save Mystica, and if so at what cost?… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parJBarringer, HeidiAngell

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I will be a relief after reading this book to return to reading ANY book with correct grammar and decent editing. The author is very nice, and I was sent a free set of this trilogy in exchange for a fair review, which makes it a bit harder to be totally honest. She's so nice! And the story is not bad, really, once you get past the lack of editing. I read a few chapters out loud in hopes that this might make the grammar issues and other problems easier to overlook, and I kept falling into a tone reminiscent of Terry Pratchett's character Carrot, in his letters home. If a seventh grader had written this book, it would sound like what one would expect from such a young, immature writer, but the author of these books is a mature adult, and articulate enough outside these books that I expected better.
There is enough potential in this series that I really wish Murray would pull this series and get it thoroughly, professionally edited, before re-releasing it. As as, it feels like a working draft, not finished, published novels.
So, if you are not bothered by bad grammar and less-than-careful editing, and if you enjoy fantasy adventures with magic and wizards and quests, you might like this book. I will not be reading the third book, because I suspect my third review won't be any more positive at this rate. But, I do think this author is capable of publishing good novels, worth checking out in the future. Her stories are creative, and her cast of characters is good for her genre. Her world-building is a bit shaky, but mostly consistent, and if she finds a better editor to help her iron out her storytelling into a more professional finished product, the next books she releases may deserve a much better review. ( )
  JBarringer | Dec 30, 2017 |
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The Darkness has waited a long time to return to Mystica. Now with the help of the wizard Shadow it has found a way. It will stop at nothing and no one to darken out all of Mystica. Miranda has been called to Mystica to help fight the Darkness. She has been training with a fellow magic user, Brian. Brian follows her to Mystica. Does he mean help or harm? Can Miranda stop the Darkness and save Mystica, and if so at what cost?

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