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When Mercy Rains: A Novel (The Zimmerman Restoration Trilogy)

par Kim Vogel Sawyer

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Fiction. Literature. Romance. Christian Fiction. She left, heavily weighted with secrets. But God reveals all things, in His timing. And He redeems them. Suzanne Zimmerman was only seventeen and pregnant when her shamed mother quietly sent her away from their Old Order Mennonite community in Kansas. With her old home, family, and first love firmly behind her, Suzanne moved to Indiana, became a nurse, and raised a daughter, Alexa, on her own. Now, nearly twenty years later, an unexpected letter arrives from Kansas. Her brother asks her to bring her nursing abilities home and care for their ailing mother. His request requires that Suzanne face a family that may not have forgiven her and a strict faith community. It also means seeing Paul Aldrich, her first love. Paul, widowed with an eight-year-old son, is relieved to see Suzanne again, giving him the chance to beg her forgiveness for his past indiscretion. But when he meets Alexa, his guilt flickers in the glare of Suzanne's prolonged secret-one that changes everything. Suzanne had let go of any expectation for forgiveness long ago. Does she dare hope in mercy-and how will her uncovered past affect the people she loves the most?… (plus d'informations)

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I enjoyed this book for the most part, but never could get into liking Suzanne too much. I did enjoy the overall plot, and many of the other characters. ( )
  eliorajoy | Mar 24, 2021 |
Where Mercy Rains by Kim Vogel Sawyer What finish to his book. It quite a story. It a little heartfelt story. It a story about a mother and daughter. Suzanne is force to do something for years. Suzanne has secrets of her own. She was asked to come back home to care for her mother. What happen between her and her daughter.Paul see Suzanne again. He meets Alexa and starts to feel his guilt. Will there be a forgiveness for them all? Suzanne has one thing to tell Paul about a secret that happens 20 years earlier. While things are a bit strange when she first arrives. She does not know if her mother wants her there or her siblings. There are some things going on between Abigail and her children. She also meets her granddaughter she never knew about. There are twist and turns. Will there be healing for them all? Is there really what could heal the hurts. Will Paul and Suzanne talk about what happen between and why she left the community. ( )
  Lindz2012 | Feb 22, 2016 |
What finish to his book. It quite a story. It a little heartfelt story. It a story about a mother and daughter. Suzanne is force to do something for years. Suzanne has secrets of her own. She was asked to come back home to care for her mother. What happen between her and her daughter.

Paul see Suzanne again. He meets Alexa and starts to feel his guilt. Will there be a forgiveness for them all? Suzanne has one thing to tell Paul about a secret that happens 20 years earlier. While things are a bit strange when she first arrives. She does not know if her mother wants her there or her siblings.

There are some things going on between Abigail and her children. She also meets her granddaughter she never knew about. There are twist and turns. Will there be healing for them all? Is there really what could heal the hurts. Will Paul and Suzanne talk about what happen between and why she left the community. ( )
  Lindz2012 | Jan 20, 2016 |
What finish to his book. It quite a story. It a little heartfelt story. It a story about a mother and daughter. Suzanne is force to do something for years. Suzanne has secrets of her own. She was asked to come back home to care for her mother. What happen between her and her daughter.

Paul sees Suzanne again. He meets Alexa and starts to feel his guilt. Will there be a forgiveness for them all? Suzanne has one thing to tell Paul about a secert that happens 20 years earlier. While things are a bit strange when she first arrives. She does not know if her mother wants her there or her siblings.

There are some things going on between Abigail and her children. She also meets her granddaughter she never knew about. There are twist and turns. Will there be healing for them all? Is there really what could heal the hurts. Will Paul and Suzanne talk about what happen between and why she left the community? ( )
  Lindz2012 | Jan 19, 2016 |
What finish to his book. It quite a story. It a little heartfelt story. It a story about a mother and daughter. Suzanne is force to do something for years. Suzanne has secrets of her own. She was asked to come back home to care for her mother. What happen between her and her daughter.

Paul see Suzanne again. He meets Alexa and starts to feel his guilt. Will there be a forgiveness for them all? Suzanne has one thing to tell Paul about a secert that happens 20 years earlier. While things are a bit strange when she first arrives. She does not know if her mother wants her there or her siblings.

There are some things going on between Abigail and her children. She also meets her granddaughter she never knew about. There are twist and turns. Will there be healing for them all? Is there really what could heal the hurts. Will Paul and Suzanne talk about what happen between and why she left the community. ( )
  Lindz2012 | Jan 19, 2016 |
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Fiction. Literature. Romance. Christian Fiction. She left, heavily weighted with secrets. But God reveals all things, in His timing. And He redeems them. Suzanne Zimmerman was only seventeen and pregnant when her shamed mother quietly sent her away from their Old Order Mennonite community in Kansas. With her old home, family, and first love firmly behind her, Suzanne moved to Indiana, became a nurse, and raised a daughter, Alexa, on her own. Now, nearly twenty years later, an unexpected letter arrives from Kansas. Her brother asks her to bring her nursing abilities home and care for their ailing mother. His request requires that Suzanne face a family that may not have forgiven her and a strict faith community. It also means seeing Paul Aldrich, her first love. Paul, widowed with an eight-year-old son, is relieved to see Suzanne again, giving him the chance to beg her forgiveness for his past indiscretion. But when he meets Alexa, his guilt flickers in the glare of Suzanne's prolonged secret-one that changes everything. Suzanne had let go of any expectation for forgiveness long ago. Does she dare hope in mercy-and how will her uncovered past affect the people she loves the most?

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