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Ladybug Girl and the Dress-up Dilemma (2014)

par Jacky Davis, David Soman

Séries: Ladybug Girl (7)

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"It is Halloween and Lulu doesn't know if she should dress as Ladybug Girl or find a different costume for the special day"--

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In this book, ladybug girl is debating whether or not she needs to change up her normal ladybug costume for Halloween. ( )
  krscarbrough | Nov 22, 2022 |
Just in time for Halloween - a fun addition to the Ladybug girl cannon. Trying on lots of different options, she stays a hero and true to herself. ( )
  suzannekmoses | May 21, 2022 |
Lulu is planning to be Ladybug Girl for Halloween, of course! But her brother tells her she should be something different on Halloween. Lulu brainstorms several costumes, but when she (as Ladybug Girl) helps a lost kid at the apple orchard, she decides that she knew all along what she really wanted to be. ( )
  JennyArch | Oct 8, 2019 |
This book can be used for a reading and writing lesson. It has a lot of expression and voice. It can be taught to teach expression strategies in a reading lesson or show how to write expression or voice in writing lesson. ( )
  tlj033 | Dec 7, 2015 |
6. The “Ladybug Girl” is a book about staying true to yourself. The story unfolds a young girl who doesn’t know if she should dress up as her original costume, a ladybug, or to wear a different costume. I like this book for a few reasons. The book’s overall setting takes place during fall in which each part of the story illustrates fall leaves, Halloween costumes, bundling up, crisp autumn days, pumpkins, scarecrows, and cornstalks. The warm colors gives a cool fall touch as you read through the pages. I like how the author uses the tall dark corn stalks to portray the main character, Lulu, as the heroic symbol of the story. For instance, three quarters into the story, after not finding the perfect costume to wear, Lulu helps a lost young girl find her way to her parents through the cornstalks. Lulu had her ladybug costume on underneath which in the end of the story connected her to being her true self as a heroic character. Also, I enjoyed how the writing all through the story teaches readers something about the season fall. This chapter book is extremely educational. When Lulu had to go to the orchard with her family, the book presents an illustration of Lulu bundling up and reads, “Everyone has to bundle up to keep warm against the crisp autumn day.” In addition, the language is authentic and descriptive. There are sentences with detailed words, such as “dried leaves and hay crunch under her feet.” The language and writing ties the book together to create the event as believable and realistic. This helps with showing how the big idea of staying true to yourself is important. ( )
  kacieforest | Feb 22, 2015 |
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Jacky Davisauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Soman, Davidauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé

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For Liz Waniewski and Jasmin Rubero, who know how to dress up text and art and make it worlds better
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"I can't believe it's already Halloween!" says Lulu, jumping into a giant pile of leaves with her brother.
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"It is Halloween and Lulu doesn't know if she should dress as Ladybug Girl or find a different costume for the special day"--

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