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Fated: 5 Paranormal New Adult Romance Novels

par Nikki Jefford

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Récemment ajouté pardlynch

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Fated is an incredible collection of paranormal new adult novels.

Amaranth by Rachael Wade: Camille Hart meets Gavin Devereaux and is exposed to the world of vampires. This is an amazing story that kept me engrossed.

Aurora Sky: Vampire Hunter by Nikki Jefford: After a near-fatal car accident, the government transforms Aurora Sky into a vampire hunter. I have been wanting to try the Aurora Sky series for a while, and I am so glad that I finally read this book. I will definitely continue this series. It was well-written and entertaining.

Darkness of Light by Stacey Marie Brown: Ember Brycin always knew she was different. She meets the mysterious Eli Dragen determined to figure out his secrets and how they relate to her. This is the one book in the collection that I already read and reviewed. You can check it out at: I love this entire series and am anxiously awaiting reading book 4.

Flight by Alyssa Rose Ivy: While working a summer job at her father’s hotel in New Orleans, Allie becomes involved with Levi, being exposed to a supernatural world she never knew about. I had not heard of this series, and I am so glad it was included in this assortment. I couldn’t put this story down. It was very original and intriguing.

Whisper by Heather Hildenbrand: Whisper Grant has been struggling with the death of her parents. While wandering in the wood, she finds a dying boy and gets him to the hospital. He has amnesia and visions of the future. Whisper is a heartwarming story that was refreshing.

After reading this collection, I have definitely added these series to my wishlist. All five books are well-written and extraordinary.

A gifted copy was provided by author/publisher for an honest review. ( )
  dlynch | Aug 20, 2014 |
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