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Where's Lolly?

par Stephen Henning

Séries: Class Heroes (3)

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Récemment ajouté parxofelf, mpmleonard, sherry69

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I am so happy to see that Stephen Henning has written a book for the villainess. It is unusual that I become so enamored by a “bad guy”, but Lolly has my full attention. I can’t help but feel some empathy for her in this novella. With her background, it is not surprising that she turned out the way she did, but she is a human being. There is a heart, though it seems to be buried pretty deep. Can anyone reach her, make a connection?

She is on the run, with only one person to turn to. But, can he, will he be able to help her?

I was walking through the words, strolling along. Before I knew it, I was racing through the pages, so curious to see the outcome. Images flashed through my mind – Lolly holding the man by the heels, threatening to drop him off the roof – scaling walls and creating fire with her super powers.

I love it! Stephen Henning had my attention from the beginning to the end. Lots of action and emotion in such a few pages. I think this novella will entice you to read further and discover the adventures of the superheroes, James and Sam. Maybe you will even develop some empathy for Lolly, as I did. After all, she is only an unhappy teenager with superpowers. How bad can it be?

I received this novella from the author in return for an honest and unbiased review. ( )
  sherry69 | Jan 25, 2016 |
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