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Her Montana Twins

par Carolyne Aarsen

Séries: Big Sky Centennial (3)

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A Forever Family  Raising twins on her own hasn't been easy for widowed mom Hannah Douglas. But she's determined to see her family--and the picnic basket auction she's organizing for the town's centennial celebration--succeed. Still, there are times she wishes for someone to lean on. To her surprise, Brody Harcourt's strong shoulders are at the ready. Seems like Jasper Gulch's favorite firefighter and rancher is always there when she needs him. But Hannah's not sure she's willing to take another chance on love, especially with someone whose job puts him in harm's way. Is the risk of loving Brody worth the reward to make her family complete?   Big Sky Centennial: A small town rich in history...and love.… (plus d'informations)

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5 stars ***** out of five
Contemporary Inspirational Romance

Put a baby on the cover of a book, and I find it hard to resist. Put multiple babies on the cover, and I'm hooked. Carolynne Aarsen sets her story in the beautiful country where Jasper Gulch is located. Nothing about the plot is revealed in the cover, except you know there are twins involved! And yet there are hints of more. Raising twins is a handful for any parents, but a single mother must have a strong support group backing her up to manage any semblance of sanity. Find out how Hannah handles her family and the help she needs. This is part of an ongoing anthology by numerous authors, and you will get more enjoyment out of reading the whole group, but I found this one to do well as a stand alone book, and easy to read.

I bought this book for my own enjoyment. ( )
  mbarkman | Jan 3, 2015 |
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A Forever Family  Raising twins on her own hasn't been easy for widowed mom Hannah Douglas. But she's determined to see her family--and the picnic basket auction she's organizing for the town's centennial celebration--succeed. Still, there are times she wishes for someone to lean on. To her surprise, Brody Harcourt's strong shoulders are at the ready. Seems like Jasper Gulch's favorite firefighter and rancher is always there when she needs him. But Hannah's not sure she's willing to take another chance on love, especially with someone whose job puts him in harm's way. Is the risk of loving Brody worth the reward to make her family complete?   Big Sky Centennial: A small town rich in history...and love.

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