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Monster's Chef: A Novel

par Jervey Tervalon

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271889,293 (2.5)Aucun
From award-winning, Los Angeles Times bestselling author Jervey Tervalon comes a highly clever, twisting tale of suspense involving drugs, perverse sex, and poisonous celebrity worship, in which a man trying to rebuild his life becomes entangled in dangerous and deadly circumstances. Once upon a time, Gibson was a successful chef with a popular restaurant and a beautiful loving wife. He was also a drug addict with a habit that nearly destroyed him. Fresh out of rehab, he's now using his skills to feed his fellow halfway house residents budget gourmet meals--a talent that attracts two shady women who offer him a job cooking for a music superstar named Monster. Though Gibson doesn't have a good feeling about his seeming good fortune, he needs a job. Arriving on Monster's compound, Gibson senses that trouble is still on his tail. First, he's asked to sign a confidentiality agreement. Then he meets the compound's gardener, who warns him not to go outside at night--and tells him that to stay alive he must see nothing, hear nothing, say nothing. It is advice that proves all too true when Gibson discovers a dead body near his bungalow a few nights later. Suddenly, all hell is breaking loose . . . and Gibson is at the center. Now he has to figure out how to escape this terrifying nightmare . . . and whether he can. … (plus d'informations)

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I can't say I much enjoyed reading this book. What mostly kept me reading was that I told myself that I would understand it all in the end, that somehow it would all be explained. The ending offered little explanation of Monster or his motivations or anything really. As the pages went by, I felt like I knew and understood the main character less and less. But for all of that, I have to say I really enjoyed the style in which it was written. Not a bad book at all, perhaps just not my cup of tea. ( )
  bgnbrooks | Oct 8, 2015 |
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From award-winning, Los Angeles Times bestselling author Jervey Tervalon comes a highly clever, twisting tale of suspense involving drugs, perverse sex, and poisonous celebrity worship, in which a man trying to rebuild his life becomes entangled in dangerous and deadly circumstances. Once upon a time, Gibson was a successful chef with a popular restaurant and a beautiful loving wife. He was also a drug addict with a habit that nearly destroyed him. Fresh out of rehab, he's now using his skills to feed his fellow halfway house residents budget gourmet meals--a talent that attracts two shady women who offer him a job cooking for a music superstar named Monster. Though Gibson doesn't have a good feeling about his seeming good fortune, he needs a job. Arriving on Monster's compound, Gibson senses that trouble is still on his tail. First, he's asked to sign a confidentiality agreement. Then he meets the compound's gardener, who warns him not to go outside at night--and tells him that to stay alive he must see nothing, hear nothing, say nothing. It is advice that proves all too true when Gibson discovers a dead body near his bungalow a few nights later. Suddenly, all hell is breaking loose . . . and Gibson is at the center. Now he has to figure out how to escape this terrifying nightmare . . . and whether he can. 

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