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Remember When 3: The Finale (Remember Trilogy, #3)

par T. Torrest

Séries: Remember Trilogy (3)

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Fiction. Literature. Romance. I've been in love with Trip Wiley since I was sixteen years old. Yep. That Trip Wiley: Academy Award-winning actor, known philanthropist, People's Sexiest Man Alive two years running. Yeah. It's not like I'm some delusional stalker fan. It just so happens that he was my high school sweetheart back in 1991. In the years since, Trip has simply been The One That Got Away. We just can't seem to get on the same page at the same time. Our timing may have sucked, but the feelings had already been confirmed. Years ago. At least his were. He doesn't know that I had chosen to love him back. I need to fix that. And I need to do it now. Contains mature themes.… (plus d'informations)

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First time I've given a book 5 stars in awhile! Where do I start with this?

Layla and Trip, oh I love them!!!!!!!!

They had their ups and downs but they always overcome them, that is true love!!!!!!!


I can't get over this book, thru the series the character development is awesome, I feel like I know them.... and damn if I don't love EVERY character!!!!!! ( )
  nicolemeier111 | Aug 29, 2018 |
At the end of Remember When Two, Layla and Trip have parted ways again. Layla didn’t meet Trip at the hotel and later regretted not going once she realized Trip was truly in love with her. Trip, hurt by her decision, cut her off and left no way for her to contact him again. Heartbroken and unsure of what to do next, Layla has decided to move back home.

Remember When Three starts off with Trip’s POV from the night Layla did not show up in the hotel. He describes the frustration of waiting and then the pain he felt when he realized she really wasn’t coming. It has been about two years since then, and Trip’s relationship with his model fiancée is breaking up because Trip is leaving to go to rehab for his drinking problem that has only worsened over the past two years.
In 2005, five years since Layla and Trip last spoke to each other, Trip’s father dies and Trip calls Layla. What follows is too much of a spoiler to include in this review, but this is the book in which they decide once and for all if they belong together or not. It’s not as easy a decision as you might think.
What can I say about this trilogy that I haven’t already said? These books are wonderful. I haven’t enjoyed a romantic trilogy this much in a long time.

So many trilogies spend all three books full of angst, confusion, bad communication, and bad luck with all sorts of things getting in the way of the couple that seems meant to be. They only end after all of that is worked out and you never get to catch much of a glimpse at what real life is like for them once they finally get together. It’s like, couple is reunited, everyone is instantly happy, wedding bells, etc., and then the book ends.

Remember When Three goes against that common formula that I am so tired of. We get to see Layla and Trip, finally together, trying to make their relationship work, working on the real issues couples have to deal with. Well, maybe not so much the fame, but the communication, understanding and respect you have to be able to give to the other person in a healthy relationship. They struggle, just like every new couple struggles. It feels more realistic, because no matter what your history is, the beginning of a relationship is tough. They’ve been separated for so long, it would be pure fantasy to believe they didn’t have issues to work out. I guess you could still call it angst, but it’s in a more mature and believable form.

There are some great lines in this book that I found to be really inspiring and/or informative and I have to share some of those:

“It’s strange how there are people in your life that never seem to leave it. Those friends that you may not talk to regularly, but whom you still very much consider a part of your life. You may go months, even years without seeing one another or speaking. But once you wind up together again, it’s as if not a single day has gone by.”
“No relationship is perfect, Loo. You have to decide to accept the imperfections and realize that what matters is that you’re perfect together. All the other stuff is just the small stuff. It doesn’t matter.”

I highly recommend the Remember When Trilogy. I think anyone who likes romance, NA, and even older readers of YA would like Remember When. Just keep in mind, it is not recommended for those under 17 due to sexual content. I give Remember When Three: The Finale 5 stars as well as the series as a whole, both get 5/5. Go get these books!

You can read more of my reviews at my blog ( )
  Aeroette | Dec 28, 2014 |
Well, this 3rd book in the trilogy is where everything comes together. It's not all roses, but is a very satisfying ending indeed. ( )
  Dawn94 | Dec 20, 2014 |
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Fiction. Literature. Romance. I've been in love with Trip Wiley since I was sixteen years old. Yep. That Trip Wiley: Academy Award-winning actor, known philanthropist, People's Sexiest Man Alive two years running. Yeah. It's not like I'm some delusional stalker fan. It just so happens that he was my high school sweetheart back in 1991. In the years since, Trip has simply been The One That Got Away. We just can't seem to get on the same page at the same time. Our timing may have sucked, but the feelings had already been confirmed. Years ago. At least his were. He doesn't know that I had chosen to love him back. I need to fix that. And I need to do it now. Contains mature themes.

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