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The Wild Adventure of Jasper Renn

par Kady Cross

Séries: Steampunk Chronicles (novella)

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Science Fiction. Short Stories. Historical Fiction. Young Adult Fiction. HTML:

In this companion novella to The Girl with the Iron Touch, American cowboy Jasper Renn finds himself in a situation his lightning-fast skills cannot rescue him from...

After surviving a triumph-turned-tragedy in New York City, Jasper is determined to secure a happier future with his gifted band of friends. So when the group's mechanical genius Emily is abducted, he'll plunge into England's darkest places to rescue her....

But his old flame Wildcat is turning London town upside down to find her missing sister, and Jasper finds the attraction between himself and the fierce beauty as tempting and dangerous as ever. Their trail leads deep into the city's most unusual circus. Soon, Jasper will find his loyalties--and future--tested more than he could ever imagine....

And don't miss Jasper's continuing exploits in The Girl with the Iron Touch by Kady Cross, available now from Harlequin TEEN.

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Jasper and Wildcat and how they get together. This was a storyline that was alluded to but never really explained. In this novella we get a little more insight into how they finally admit they love each other - though Jasper is a pretty dumb boy! ( )
  tjsjohanna | Sep 23, 2022 |
For anyone wondering what Jasper Renn was up to during The Girl with the Iron Touch, this novella will answer your questions. We all wondered who Wildcat was when she showed up, and now we know. A nice look into more of Jasper's background and an introduction to a character who I hope shows up in future books. ( )
  tldegray | Sep 21, 2018 |
Another quick read for an interstitial story. I'm sort of sad that there is only one more book left at the moment. These characters are so interesting, fun, and different. Plus the steampunk setting is nicely fleshed out and really cool, to be honest. ( )
  ladypembroke | Nov 22, 2014 |
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Science Fiction. Short Stories. Historical Fiction. Young Adult Fiction. HTML:

In this companion novella to The Girl with the Iron Touch, American cowboy Jasper Renn finds himself in a situation his lightning-fast skills cannot rescue him from...

After surviving a triumph-turned-tragedy in New York City, Jasper is determined to secure a happier future with his gifted band of friends. So when the group's mechanical genius Emily is abducted, he'll plunge into England's darkest places to rescue her....

But his old flame Wildcat is turning London town upside down to find her missing sister, and Jasper finds the attraction between himself and the fierce beauty as tempting and dangerous as ever. Their trail leads deep into the city's most unusual circus. Soon, Jasper will find his loyalties--and future--tested more than he could ever imagine....

And don't miss Jasper's continuing exploits in The Girl with the Iron Touch by Kady Cross, available now from Harlequin TEEN.


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